911 button or Sissy?

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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by rlown »

i'm seriously doubting that most hypochondriacs backpack, let alone solo..

besides that, you ever read the customer reviews on the spot product? http://www.rei.com/product/784892/spot- ... -messenger" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Its the review's link in the page.
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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by Wandering Daisy »

Maybe hypochondriac is not the proper word. Lets just say I can stir the pot enough to get my imagination cooking getting me into panic where I may push the help button. A nice cup of tea usually does the trick, calms me down, and then I make a better decision.

I think the issue is not push button or not. I think anyone who realizes they are in a serious medical condtion would push the button. The issue is recognizing what constitutes a serious medical problem! Here is where learning more about symptoms and listening to your body is very valuable. I think everyone our age should know all the symptoms of heart disease. Regardless of family history, heart disease can hit anyone. Unfortunately, most wilderness first aid courses assume a younger demographic and say little about this. Perhaps we need a "Wilderness Medicine for Old Farts".

I read the link on SPOT. I am not sure what your point is, relative to this discusson. Sorry I did not pick up on your intent. Could you clearify?
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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by oldranger »


You are correct that Russ has actually introduced a new topic. His point is that you can't rely on the Spot Locator. My experience is that the Spot 1 has been extremely reliable and accurate. It seems that there was an issue re Spot II reliablility but the impression I got from a review of a person that waited a while to purchase one was that the issue was resolved.

I think the inability to make contact described by some reviewers is the result of incorrect operation (i.e. not reading the instructions carefully). On the second or third trip I took with one I forgot to review the instructions and when I pushed the "I'm ok button" I held it down for an extended period. That was wrong because that activated the "tracking function" which I did not pay for and consequently no message was sent. The proper procedure is simply to push the button and immediately release it to send an "I'm ok" message

Another problem is that some people do not understand the limitations of satellite communication, especially the system employed by Spot. There are not many satellites in the Globalstar system (though apparently that is improving) and they are relatively low and to the s. of the Sierra. The only time I operated the locator correctly and it did not work was from the bottom of Lee Vining canyon. I was concerned at the time that it might not work because of the steep canyon walls to the south. However last september I successfully sent an OK message from Tower Canyon (runs e/w just like Lee Vining Canyon). There are also limitations due to thick forest but that would be a problem with any device that relies on Satellite communication, either for direct communication or for gps coordinates. As for me, if I get injured or sick it will be in wide open spots on s. facing slopes. ;)


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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by rlown »

Pretty much 'spot' on, mike! If you're sick, a lot can go wrong trying to set up and press a button. Esp, alone.. but back to topic.. I'd still hit the button if i couldn't figure out a medical condition really fast. Given I don't carry an emergency device and prefer not to go solo, the "survivor" in our party is instructed to secure the patient as best he can, provide water and food close by, and then daypack for help... The ol' fashioned spot device..
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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by East Side Hiker »

Boy, I wish I knew what to think about your post.

For most of my life, IPhones and all the other new e-stuff were never part of the wilderness experience. Now it seems that its become important. I don't know what to think about it all. I guess all I can say is that one should be very careful while travelling in the wilderness, and be on guard. For most of the history of Sierra travelling, there were no e-rescues, and one had to rely on oneself. Seems a little cold-hearted, but reality.
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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by oldranger »

East Side,

I don't really think the spot locator is for me but for my wife and companions if any, and potential searchers. This way companions can get rid of me and continue the trip. They are welcome to what is left of my booze and my gear. It also saves time searching if solo and I am able to get a signal out (Whether or not I survive, searching and finding a body is pretty stressful so I will do what I can to make things easy.) The reality of being responsible for yourself remains but the fact is that if you are missing people will search and that costs money and time. Many serious wounds I would struggle out with but if I think of myself as a potential fatality then it is time to think big picture.


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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by BrianF »

OR, my thinking is the same as yours, Maybe it is the SAR background. Since I am most often solo, I use my Spot 2 to give my location to my contact person on a daily basis, sending an OK signal from my camp each evening and usually from some point on my ramblings if I am on a dayhike or climbing a peak. That provides a record of where I have been recently as a beginning point for a search. Plus it makes her feel better that I carry one.
For what it is worth, I have yet to have a failure of the signal getting through in the Sierra, I did have a problem getting contact in a deep canyon in my local backcountry, where I had to climb the slope a ways to get signal- obviously not a possibility if severely injured or incapacitated.
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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by Jimr »

I've always had a love/hate thing with technology. It's amazing how fast it goes from neat, newfangled toy to something we can't live without. Yet, for the most part, I find it about 10% useful and the other 90% a waste of time. Just like the T.V. set that I'm having ever more difficulty even finding that 10%. I got a GPS device for x-mas a few years ago and had fun learning about it and playing with various software programs for plotting, planning and manipulating route and waypoint files, but I have yet to bring it with me on a trip. Maybe this year. Maybe not. My wife would feel much better if I brought a SPOT device on my solo trips, I suppose, but I have not told her of their existence. Heck, I didn't even want the cell phone in my pocket. I agreed to carry it for emergency purposes. Who knew that "we're out of meatballs, please pick some up on your way home." would be an emergency.

Maybe I oughta give in, cram a WIFI receiver up my :moon: and be ON 24/7.

Dang, I'm gettin' crotchety.
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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by Wandering Daisy »

I use technology at home and I sure like it to plan trips, but it does not go on the trail with me. I am totally aware of the increased risk of this and accept it. My family is also well trained in not getting too worried if I am a day late. We are not the kind of family that feel we need to know exactly what each other are doing all the time. They know exactly what to do if I do not show up after giving me a bit of leeway. They have a written emergency plan to follow. I plan my trips in detail, and include expected "detours" and optional "exploration". I would say that 90% of the time I am on schedule and exactly where I said I would be. I carry a small signal mirror and always take one bright yellow or orange item so that I am visible. I leave a written itinery and map with the family. I do not use a GPS although I will admit that a few times I would have had a lot less anxiety if I had one! I am very cautious and have no issue with retreat when necessary. I believe I would subconciously take more chances if I had a SPOT on me. As time goes on and I get older and more feeble, I may change my idea on this, but for now, I choose to "just say no" to the latest technology.

Technology offers many options, both in safety, social connection and entertainment. Each backpacker needs to choose what technology to use and what to leave behind. It is an individual decision based on goals and your experience and the feelings of your own loved ones. I would never advise others to simply do what I do just because it is what I choose. I in no way "look down" on those who use the latest gadgets. It is just not my choice. Maybe one day we will all have homing chips embedded within our skin. For now, I prefer to do without.
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Re: 911 button or Sissy?

Post by quentinc »

Jimr wrote:I've always had a love/hate thing with technology....Who knew that "we're out of meatballs, please pick some up on your way home." would be an emergency.
I think there's a meatball app on the new iPhone, where it will automatically sense you are about to run out and have them delivered to your home without your ever knowing there was a near catastrophe.
I couldn't agree more with your post. OR makes a very convincing case for carrying a SPOT, but I wonder if I ever will.
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