Fastest safe route to Camp Lake in the Wind River Range?

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Fastest safe route to Camp Lake in the Wind River Range?

Post by Frankierose »

Later this year, during the last week of June, myself and two friends will be backpacking to some lakes In the Fitzpatrick wilderness of the Wind River Range. The closest named lake is called “Camp Lake”. I explored this area in 2015. The route I took that year was fairly long, but had a good trail all the way to Camp Lake. We left from Elkhart Park, took the Highline Trail along the chain lakes, the Timico trail to Timico lake, Timico pass to upper Golden Lake, and finally camp pass to Camp Lake. I’m not opposed to taking the same route, but I’m curious if there are any more direct routes that might save some time. Our group is comfortable with off trail travel, but prefer to avoid significant exposure when we are climbing passes. I should add, that I have to thank wandering Daisy for several years of amazing trips in the wind river range. I bought her book as soon as it came out and I’ve hiked several of her suggested routes especially in the southern portion of the range. Can’t recommend her book enough. P.S. I Wonder if either “wall pass” or “Cook Pass “could be good options. Late June is a little early, but it doesn’t look like the snow pack is very deep this year.

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Re: Fastest safe route to Camp Lake in the Wind River Range?

Post by Wandering Daisy »

From Elkhart TH, all routes are amazingly similar in miles and hours. Fall Creek Pass (the route you took) 24 mi/15 hr; Angel Pass 20 mi/15 hr; Cook Pass 18.9 mi/15.2 hr; Wall Pass 20 mi/15 hr. Timico is the easiest; Wall Pass the most difficult. Angel Pass would be my choice for the next easiest compared to Fall Creek Pass.

You can reach Camp Lake entirely on trails by going over Hay Pass, but it is a lot longer. Either from Boulder Lake or Elkhart. Either start you get take major trails (Fremont, Highline, or Boulder Creek Trail) to Lake Victor, where you go due north on the Hay Pass Trail.

For Wall Pass you can go in Pole Creek, trail to Upper Cook Lake, then x-c Wall Pass. Or trail to Island Lake, then a use trail, south to a small pass that drops you into the east end of Wall Lake. The mileage and time and difficulty are nearly identical. Early season Wall Pass can require snow climbing. Wall pass route is wonderful scenery and very alpine, but quite tricky route finding and some steep snow and talus. I would not recommend Wall Pass unless you have a bit of mountaineering experience. Cook has a lot of tedious talus and not a good early season route due to a cornice that blocks the route to the lowest lake before you hit the trail.

I have never been up the Timico Trail from Meadow Lake, but the trailhead used to be very difficult to get to with a car- really need a 4wd. It goes through a large burn area, so is not very scenic but is the shortest route to Timico Lake, although more elevation gain than from Elkhart.

Another advantage of Fall Creek Pass is that if you get to the east end of Timico Lake and it is really nasty, you can go south over an unnamed pass (use trail) that connects with the Hay Pass Trail.

If you are in good shape you can get to Spider Lake in Bald Mountain Basin on the first day. Then over Cook or Angel Pass early in the day before the afternoon storms. It is a stiff 2nd day, but you can get all the way to Camp Lake on the second day. Not that Angel Pass is much shorter, but the logistics just seem to work out better. I always plan for 3 days to get to Douglas Lake (just a bit farther). Coming out you can push it more.

For me it boils down to weather and ground conditions. Fall Creek Pass in unsettled weather; Angel Pass in good weather early season; the other two in good weather, better in later season.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Fastest safe route to Camp Lake in the Wind River Range?

Post by Frankierose »

Thank you so much! This is the best summary of options anyone could hope for. We are leaning toward Fall Creek pass, but will assess the weather conditions when we set out on the trip. I will report back how it goes! Also, the Wind River Range is my favorite place on earth(I feel like that is blasphemous given the forum we are on!) and thank you for writing your book. I have both editions and they have guided me on several trips. Definitely have had more solitude and great views because of it! Here are a few pictures from the last time I went toward Camp Lake.
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Re: Fastest safe route to Camp Lake in the Wind River Range?

Post by Wandering Daisy »

It is too early to say if the snowpack will be normal or not. The website above is a good one to see how the snowmelt is going. It is updated daily. Right now it looks nearly normal. The Wind Rivers often get a lot of snow in April-May. Not usual, but June can also be snowy some years.
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Re: Fastest safe route to Camp Lake in the Wind River Range?

Post by raft_man »

Hey there,

I am planning on exploring this area this year as well. Quick question - is Fall Creeks Pass also known as Timico Pass?


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Re: Fastest safe route to Camp Lake in the Wind River Range?

Post by Wandering Daisy »

Yes, I probably should not have referred to "Timico" for the pass. The route starts at the inlet end of Timico Lake. The pass is officially Fall Creek Pass.
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