summitpost images

Topics covering photography and videography of the flora, fauna and landscape of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Show off your talent. Post your photos and videos here!
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summitpost images

Post by SSSdave » a climbing enthusiast site is arguably the best site on the Internet for informational mountain images over the world especially the Sierra. It is one of the best resources for exploring views of mountains one has not personally visited. Otherwise one can do a web search on Google or Yahoo Images that may or may not find images. More likely on the latter two, one will see a lot of unrelated hits. Thus summitpost is more narrowly and efficiently useful for photographers web exploring for potential productive locations for trips. The site's primary value in trip planning is general information within page listings of specific areas and mountains. For example road, trailhead, and permit information.

Do you use the site for future planning?

I ought to mention, the site allows member voting on images and all manner of user created information and features. That image voting system has long been condemned as flawed. As a result there are many highly rated images that are rather mediocre and many excellent images that have low ratings although it is true that a minor percentage of the highly rated images are top notch. About a decade ago there was attempt to improve the voting process which generated considerable discussions that I made primary inputs to criticizing the system. However the site admins had other minimal ideas for improvement that predictably were ineffective upon a major upgrade to the whole site. The main issue is voting was set up as a 10 point system that was inconsistent during use, caused friction when anything less than 10 was input, becoming meaningless. Additionally the mechanism to show images to visitors is flawed resulting in many submissions quickly becoming out of sight, out of mind, into oblivion, unnoticed. Thus personally ignore image voting but otherwise find other useful purposes on its pages and contribute with modest inputs occasionally.

So each year to participate at the site a wee bit, post an image or 3. This year I added one from our Fish Creek backpack that I call:

The Space Rocket ... 6/c-170988

Bilateral symmetry lake reflections that have likenesses to graphic forms have always amused me from my earliest days as a photographer. Most of that work dates to the 80s when I shot 35mm SLR Kodachromes.
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Re: summitpost images

Post by Wandering Daisy »

Yes, I use the site for planning, with a grain of salt. It is climbing focused, so the route they suggest is usually what climbers most often use - not necessarily the best "backpack" or scenic route.

And like all internet sites, it is "crowd-sourced" data. The route is not necessarily the best route. We all tend to simply follow a route that others have described, rather than really spend time to find the "best" route. Nevertheless, very useful.

I like that the website is pretty good at identifying the "regulations" "red-tape" and such.

And yes, the photos are a real plus- some quite good too.
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