Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

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Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by gdurkee »


I'm looking for feedback on a map and information flyer that Maverick, myself and several SAR people have developed to alert the public to Larry's disappearance last fall. I want to emphasize that the only purpose of this interactive map is to provide information to the hiking public to be aware of possible clues in the course of their normal recreational backcountry trips. This is not in any way intended to suggest where to search or to encourage more people for Maverick's effort this summer.

In the past, it's been the public coming across and reporting clues that have helped solve these cases where the Agency involved is unable to find the person (e.g. Randy Morgenson or the Fosset aircraft search). So with that in mind, I'd appreciate it if you folks could look at the website and the flyer and tell me how it does in accomplishing that goal? There's a linked flyer we'll encourage people to print and post in places they think will help spread the word, so I need the same input on that.

Please don't distribute the flyer or post this website elsewhere just yet. I want some input before it goes into the wild to avoid any mistakes in its intent or how it's perceived.

Here's the web site:" onclick=";return false;

This site was developed with a lot of help from Esri and our SAR & GIS Workgroup. We're testing it out as a possible way to get the word out on both active and suspended searches in the future.

I'd like it to go fully live in the next week or so, pending people's comments.


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Re: Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by gdurkee »

Updated link:" onclick=";return false;

Our SAR & GIS Workgroup has made a number of very good suggestions now incorporated onto the site. These were mostly GIS and tech-related tweaks. I'd still really appreciate comments on how the whole approach flows; how it conveys information to the average backcountry user.


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Re: Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by rlown »

you wanted feedback.. some of the earlier posts had better intel. At least on the flyover/trekking. It's a map. nice. we kind of need an overlay of where people have looked. I didn't see that here. Did i miss that?
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Re: Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by gdurkee »

Actually, it's there. But the map is absolutely not meant to suggest where to look nor post intel. Significantly, the scant ideas and best guesses of some pretty good SAR people did not find Larry. It would seem best not to throw in any intel that has, previously, not worked.

I again want to emphasize this is only for people already traveling in the area to be aware that they might come across something important, how to recognize it, how to treat it, and how to report it. We don't want to encourage people to go into the area to carry out a search, thus we don't emphasize what has already been searched.

That said, if you open Layers on the top right; click on Overlay of Scanned Search Area Map, you'll get the NPS final situation map they published at the end of the search. I decided to include this because it shows the search was pretty extensive but without any real scalable resolution to possibly get people focused on wrong areas. Remember that during the search, much of the area was covered by snow and might well have covered clues or even Larry.

Our SAR & GIS group is discussing whether to include negative clues -- that is, camps or debris located that has nothing to do with Larry. It's not a bad idea but might clutter things up too much. It's under discussion though and I'm definitely open to suggestions.


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Re: Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by LMBSGV »

While I was doing my post, George already chimed in to clarify. So I'm deleting the rest of the post.
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Re: Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by gary c. »

I think it is a very cool link and map but it seems excessive for my understanding of it's intended use. If you are just asking for hikers entering the information gathering area to be informed and report any possible findings it seems to me that simplicity would be the key. If your intent is not to direct or influence where hikers were to look I don't see the need for the extra map layers. I would think that a basic map outlinning the focus area and an information page such as the one you have created would accomplish what you are trying to do. By posting the two pages at every trail head and perhaps giving out a double sided flyer with every permit issued for trail heads directly enetering into the focus area I think things would be covered. If the intent of the extra layers is to encourage hikers to maybe step out of the more commonl areas and take the path less traveled then I can understand the need for the extra layers.
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Re: Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by snusmumriken »

FYI there may be a technical glitch with how the website displays on a phone.
I tried the above link from my desktop PC at home and it displays the info about Larry overlaid on the map. However on my iphone 5 the same link just displays the map, the overlay with Larry's pic and info doesn't show.
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Re: Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by thegib »

With the search area layer on I find the helicopter route info distracting, and no dis-respect intended, useless. I'd include only areas where SAR believes the search has been sufficient.
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Re: Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by copeg »

My recommendation would be more pictures, eg pictures of identifiable information. For instance, a description of his tent/backpack/etc.. is one thing, but photos of known items he was carrying would cement this information into my brain. Also, pictures of what the SAR team was faced with during the original search. Perhaps this info is in there, but its not as evident as I personally would like.

My bigger question is whether this is targeting the right audience, or how that audience will be targeted. I'd say travelers through this area would fall into 3 classes A) regular visitors to HST or other forums/message boards B) sporadic visitors investigating a upcoming trip C) travelers who will never visit this or any other website where this would be posted. Most of A is probably already familiar with Larry's disappearance, and if not will come across this link at some point or another. I'd render a guess that A is the minority relative to B and C. B typically lands onto sites through search engines, so I'd recommend links to this map be carefully placed to reach this group (for instance, the first hits in a google search for "Taboose Pass" aren't forums but webpages - such as the USFS page - try and get webmasters involved to post this sort of information). All this being said flyers accompanying permits, and postings on entry trails around the area may be much more effective at reaching all folks.
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Re: Beta Map Interface & Flyer in Continued Larry Conn search

Post by gdurkee »

Thanks for the continued comments. Gary: I may well jettison a couple of layers -- especially the final search map. Discussion elsewhere echoes your point. I put it there as just informational -- showing people the effort that went into the search but am increasingly concerned it makes it too busy, detracts from what we want the map to do and might even suggest to people where they should go.

We're now looking at creating some form of operational map for people who want more data and where we might include clues; clues that were not relevant. Not sure if we'll make that public or partially restrict or what. ** EDIT: more thinking on this after re-reading Russ' comment above. It might well be that some sort of semi-restricted site aimed at experienced hikers would be useful. My worry is having inexperienced people looking at a map and decide to go somewhere that's beyond their abilities based on their interpretation of clues or intel. Input here is appreciated.

The advantage of an online map (over paper flyers) is its permanence for a long term effort as well as a much wider distribution (people coming from out of area who miss our trailheads). I'm not sure if the flyers will be handed out at trail heads. That's my hope but I have little control over that.

I'll also check on the QR link. That may be the inability of ArcGIS Online to be able to handle maps for phones yet. I'd not tested it with a phone so that's obviously good to know.

As I mentioned earlier, a lot of SAR groups are showing interest in this approach and Esri is working with us and encouraging the use of ArcGIS Online, so thoughts and suggestions from the non-GIS public really help us think about this. So keep them coming. We're adopting nearly every suggestion


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