Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

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Re: Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by Mike M. »

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Re: Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by circusoflife »

So much negativity, and some semi-positive thoughts :) ....was inspired though to make a record of all the high altitude places I've ever been -- have never done that before. So the highest I've ever been is near the peak of Nevado del Ruiz in Colombia. 5100 meters or so. Snowfield on top. Hiked from 4800 m - 5100 m. Looked at some pictures, I wasn't using sunglasses, but I might have had 1 contact lens on which partially blocks UV.


Once mountain biked down from Cotopaxi near Quito, Ecuador - 4500 meters. Was wearing sunglasses on that trip in 2006.

Have hiked numerous days in Nepal - got altitude sickness (Drank beer the day before) and learned my lesson about that in 2004. Was wearing sunglasses and a hat there.

But my experiences in Atacama Desert in Chile, Peru and Colombia are higher in altitude, longer periods of time, and more recent - 2007/2010. No contacts/glasses in Peru - 2010. No glasses, and not sure about contact lens in Chile - 2007. Anywhere from 11,200 feet -13,500 feet or so in Chile and Peru. Colombia as above.

Atacama Desert - Laguna Miscanti - 4,120 m / ~13,500 feet

BTW - Further research shows that some of the UV strength listed in the weblink earlier I posted was incorrect...based on other websites....Fresh Snow ---> 80-85% increase in reflectivity. Old snow - 50%. Based on my sustained time at altitude and factoring in surfaces- I have been at net 60%+ UV strength over sea level without any eye protection, and maybe minimal sunscreen SPF-15.

-Lake Titicaca - 12,500 feet+hiking on an island on the lake to 13,000 feet.

Top 10 highest lakes
http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/fe ... 8?image=05" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


- Also El Teide on Tenerife in 2010 too -- factoring in desert sand reflectivity - 15% increase on top of 11,500 feet max altitude --> so net 61% or so increase too..decreasing as I descended for the better part of a day to 6,500 feet.


Worst case scenario I see in the Sierra Nevadas then is the top of Mt.Whitney with "old snow" which puts me at about 100% over sea level...that sounds doable. Won't be there until the end of the trip anyway. If I have any problems, can not summit.

-----Anyway about UV --

Look at the ingredient bottle of the typical suntan lotion...look at the most active ingredient...what is it....why does it work?

Then read this:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8279549.stm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


BBC - Anti-wi-fi paint offers security

"The paint contains an aluminium-IRON OXIDE which RESONATES at the SAME FREQUENCY as wi-fi - or other radio waves - meaning the airborne data is absorbed and blocked.

By coating an entire room, signals can't get in and, crucially, can't get out."

What is IRON used for in the body?

Then one can google -- DIET SUNBURN. Or read this:

http://www.soystache.com/prevent-sunburn.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


Not here to convince anyone, and I probably won't post any more, unless someone explicitly requests it.... since most here are inclined to just piss on what I write in this thread, rather than being slightly inquisitive. No/minimal name calling here (Though I see I was called STUPID more than a few times), but calling out the actions of some against me. And -- I don't have time for that these days. The moderators seem to be open and somebody asked about which documentaries...well I posted a few earlier - but will repost for the convenience of poster who requested it. In next message.

And for those who don't want to read "this BS" -- well don't click on it!! The beauty of the Internet...
so who are the "trolls?" Virtual defensiveness...
Last edited by circusoflife on Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by circusoflife »

Some of these are online on Youtube, or maybe at your local library, or just buy them off Amazon/Ebay for cheap. Or if you know how, use BItTorrent.

Documentaries to watch: Roughly grouped by subject.
I provided some weblinks earlier, but use GOOGLE VIDEO to find them online, or at least the trailer.

Food / Regeneration / healing capability of our body - from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc...MS, any chronic illness


Forks over Knives - 2011 documentary
The Beautiful Truth - 2009 documentary
Food, Inc

Hidden Power in our Human Body (Many others - this is the tip of a huge iceberg)

Discovery Channel - Boy with Divine Powers
Videos about the DUTCH ICEMAN on Youtube
Videos about TUMMO MEDITATION on Youtube

History Channel series: Stan Lee's Superhumans


Related video - Yogis of Tibet

Plastics / Chemicals in food supply

Tapped (About bottled water and plastics)
Plastic Planet
CBC: Disappearing Male (on Vimeo - about toxic chemicals and Bisphenol-A effect on our system)



Full Signal
Radiant Day - Norwegian documentary, but in English/subtitles. On Youtube in 5 parts.


Exploring the Spectrum - obscure DVD on Amazon (About affect of light on our health -- from UV, also different types of light bulbs, and individual colors...)

Health & Light by John Ott - a book

oh..and the bug attraction/sweet blood...I've replicated this many times over...so I speak from first hand experience...might be some things on the Internet about it...

May this list be of some use to someone...there are many more videos and video clips but if someone just watches even a few of these, we could have an interesting conversation. Will be on an island (Fasting!) for a couple of weeks in April before heading back to Seattle, so maybe I'll check back in May....enjoy!

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Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by ScoobyMike »

Nice reply! A little off topic but mildly interesting, blue light suppresses melatonin production by the pineal gland. Studies have shown melatonin is a strong cancer fighting antioxidant. Some folks are advocating blue blocker sunglasses to ensure 10 hrs melatonin production, especially for night shift workers.
Ironically, Boeing is using blue LED illumination as a night light in the 787 Dreamliner, because the human eye is less sensitive to blue. So, the night light stops melatonin production, then you can't get to sleep.
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Re: Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by RoguePhotonic »

It doesn't matter what people think. You have made an attempt to educate people on something you believe and that is what matters.
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Re: Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by rlown »


Are gonna just drink water on your massive hike this year?
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Re: Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by RoguePhotonic »

Nope, we may be infinitely complex, we may be able to shape the very fabric of space time with our minds but for now I feel trapped in a bag of decaying organic matter seemingly cut off from the 10 dimension and stuck no higher then the 4th. Until I can figure out how to be something more I will stick to the basic needs of my meat bag. Which means I must eat.

I just finished packing 10 boxes for resupply.

As for UV rays I have no opinion. I don't know anything about that science.
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Re: Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by Wandering Daisy »

If you are trapped in a bag of decaying matter at your age, just think of what we old farts are stuck in! I think I have already become compost! Yes, I am packing food for my 40 day trip this summer too. My route keeps growing- started at 32 days, then just could not resist adding more- now it is 40 days.
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Re: Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by RoguePhotonic »

That's how it all started with me. You just keep adding to it until it's 135 days like my trip is for this summer.
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Re: Water pH / quality in Sierra Nevada streams / springs / lak

Post by sparky »

Well, I certainly hope you report back about living off water only. I believe in much crazier things than living off water, so don't think you have the market cornered on being misunderstood. And tying in with what rogue said, if you interested in traveling through other dimensions toss me a private message!
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