New Year's Resolutions

How do you prepare for the rigorous physical requirements of high elevation adventure? Strength and endurance are key, but are only part of a more complex equation. How do you prepare for changes in altitude, exposure, diet, etc.? How do you mentally prepare? Learn from others and share what you know about training in advance for outdoor adventures.
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New Year's Resolutions

Post by maverick »

What changes will you be making this coming year, when it comes to your training for the Sierra? New routines, rehab from injury, changes due to age or illness (medication), weight loss (to much holiday food), all require reassessment of ones strategies, when it comes to preparing for the vigor's of mountain exploration.
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I don't give out specific route information, my belief is that it takes away from the whole adventure spirit of a trip, if you need every inch planned out, you'll have to get that from someone else.

Have a safer backcountry experience by using the HST ReConn Form 2.0, named after Larry Conn, a HST member:
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Re: New Year's Resolutions

Post by dave54 »

I resolve to eat more, couch potato more, and exercise less.

I like to make resolutions I know I can keep!

All seriousness aside -- just double down on my already existing efforts to keep the grim reaper at bay.
Log off and get outdoors!
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Re: New Year's Resolutions

Post by tweederjohnson »

Most of my resolutions revolve around becoming a better fisherman, with an emphasis on fly fishing. I'm quite envious of all the fellow members posts of successful trips when I've had so few (and not for a lack of trying).

With a move to southern California pending this summer, I'm excited to have more exposure to a different part of the Sierra than I've been used to these past several years. I'll be sad to be leaving my proximity to the Tahoe, Carson/Ebbets/Sonora/Tioga Passes -- but am excited to be closer to Golden Trout Wilderness, the Whitney area, Bishop/Big Pine Creek areas, and Mammoth (as well as areas outside the Sierra).

I've got one last big trip planned before the move in August which will involve trying to check some boxes on my heritage trout challenge, and two trips planned for September -- one in Golden Trout and the other in the Big Pine Creek area. Looking forward to a great 2018!
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Re: New Year's Resolutions

Post by Wandering Daisy »

First resolution is to learn to deal better with rain and mosquitoes. Too often I will just stay home instead of going out if too much rain is predicted or if mosquitoes are out. I realize that getting wet can be dangerous, but I am over-phobic about this.

Second resolution, as always, is to try to go lighter. No even a resolution, but a requirement if I am to do what I want to do as I get older!

Third resolution is to quit freaking out about spending money on gas to get to the trailhead, or new equipment I really need.

My husband would like my next resolution to be to get a PLB. I am really having a hard time getting my heart around this. Intellectually, I can get my "head" around the idea, but I cannot shake the feeling that it is cheating! Plus I hate gadgets. And it plays into resolution #3. PBL's are not cheap- the gift that keeps on taking your $$.

As for "conditioning", I never have done that and do not intend to start. I "get in shape" by getting out and backpacking.
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Re: New Year's Resolutions

Post by Dave_Ayers »

I'm replying primarily to bump the thread as I was hoping to read what a few more of what our comrades might be doing different.

For myself, my balky knee has things completely up in the air still. My original plan for '17 was to add some climbing/bouldering experience/expertise to enhance my confidence on class 3-4 scrambles, especially summit blocks. I hope to get to that in '18.

In the meantime, no running, hiking, deep bending, or anything else that causes pain. I'm focused on ramping up non-weight bearing exercise, mostly cycling. Avoiding or modifying some of the usual concentric movements that cause pain (such as one-legged deadlifts, higher step-downs, and leg extensions). Doing some slow eccentric-focused weight-room exercises instead to keep strength. Continuing the visits to the Dr. The reduction in activity level is making weight control very challenging.
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