A picture where you were very happy with the day

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A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by rlown »

Let's try this. Post a picture of yourself in the Sierra when you were at one of your happiest times being out there. An example, I was at Evelyn Lk almost a decade ago and it was a very magical trip for September:
Full day of fishing around the lake. I don't smile a lot, but I thoroughly enjoyed that day.
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Re: A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by SSSdave »


The above image was taken early afternoon on September 1, 2017 in the sizeable Packsaddle Lake basin at 10650 feet in the John Muir Wilderness on day 4 of a 9 day solo backpack. The three previous days had been mostly cloudy with thunderstorms so at sunrise had been glad to finally get a sunny day. Over 3 days I was the only person in the basin as it is only cross country accessible.

http://www.davidsenesac.com/2017_Trip_C ... .html#sep1

After rising at sunrise I had gone on a several hour morning exploring session day hiking over a few miles taking just a few photos mainly just informational because conditions were too breezy. After returning to my base camp later that morning, I made lunch and by that time the wind was subsiding with nicely pleasant warming temperatures. It would be a few hours till later afternoon when I would start more serious photography so had some time to spend doing something? During the morning had passed by a granite bedrock expanse where the creek out of the basin flowed through. One thing I have always liked to do is play around in streams that flow through such bedrock areas because by mid day the rocks beside such streams are warm and even if other adjacent areas have mosquitoes, they are usually absent because at the size of a tiny insect such bright dry areas might as well be the Sahara Desert.

So grabbed some snack food that I always have quite a lot of, my headphones and MP3 player, reading material, some gear to fix up, sunglasses, and went down to the above area where I took the above shot before setting up a spot to lounge around. What one cannot see is off beyond frame left is a couple acres of bright granite bedrock flats. At my tripod position for the shot was a shady whitebark pine, and a cool slanting slab next to a cascade with this view downstream to lay back on so had a bunch of gear out on the rock there. After playing classic rock music awhile took a dunk in the stream at a short cascade pool then laid out in the warm sun working on my tan. Later walked about the bright bedrock barefoot listening to more music, then another nap and more snacks at my shady spot. I was happy about the way the weather was looking up for my photography and indeed the next morning was nicely calm and sunny.

Here is another similar situation during the summer of 2016 when 2 of us were camped nearby along the John Muir Trail on a warm late afternoon. In my hand is a Ziplock bag with orange Pepperidge Farms cheese fish. What one cannot see off of frame right is 3 attractive young women dangling that had stopped for a trail break with their legs dangling in the water. And that had me smiling. I suspected at the time they did not have the proper attire to join me along the busy trail.


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Re: A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by limpingcrab »

Every time I'm in the mountains!!!! I'll try to narrow it down to just a few that make me smile when I remember the day.
Any day when I get my kids out, but especially this day when they both did their first climb.

Most memorable fishing trip from Tehipite to Yucca Point. The final day and both my brother and I smiling from just how much fun we had. Also, it was my birthday.

Breakfast Cave_34.jpg
The day two friends and I finally discovered and named a big new cave, after several years of bush whacking and poison oak to no avail.

I looked at the fin at Castle Rocks and wanted to climb it ever since I was a little kid. Finally climbed it, via a first ascent, and finished with my favorite campsite of all time.

My first big line in the backcountry and the first snowboard descent of this couloir. Possibly my favorite day in the snow.

Kaweah Basin 1.jpg
Finally making it to Kaweah Basin after ogling at it on maps for years. I spent almost a whole day naked since I was by myself so I'm not in the pic :)

Now I reread the OP and see that it's supposed to be pictures of me so maybe some of those don't count, but they're from some of my most memorable and satisfactory days in my favorite place on earth, SEKI!!!
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Re: A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by rlown »

Your post works for me. :) Anything where you're very happy up there is good!!
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Re: A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by Jimr »

I'm pretty happy there.
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Re: A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by Harlen »

Nice idea Russ. I have a hard time choosing between one of my happy days alone with "Bear," or one with friends and family. I guess I should* choose the family over the dog....

Here was a favorite fall trip in the Minerets with the family and one great friend:
Camp at Mineret Lake.
Our young son happy in the mountains.
Rough weather cleared just as we arrived at the lake.
Heading for Lake Cecile... and then down from there into the the Ediza Basin.
* Sorry Jim
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Re: A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by rlown »

Harlen, You know you owe us some Bear pics. :)
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Re: A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by Harlen »

Well if you twist my arm Russ. "Bear" and I sure do have some wonderful days in the mountains ... but I wont say where, though of course, Maverick will know. [-X :p
carl book 019.JPG
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Re: A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by rlown »

I'll never get tired of dogs on snow..
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Re: A picture where you were very happy with the day

Post by Gazelle »

Top of Clarence King 10/7/2017
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