nature haiku

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Re: nature haiku

Post by sparky »

Climbing up talus
At last, I am at the top
This is the wrong ridge!
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Re: nature haiku

Post by rlown »

Nice one, Sparky! I was leading two others and did that exact thing. :retard:

Two ridges later, we arrived. One guy was a bit ticked off, the other was ticked off at the behavior of the first guy. Ended ok. Now back to haiku..
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Re: nature haiku

Post by illyav »

Awesome guys, I haven't written much nature oriented poetry, but it's my favorite topic when it comes to poetry. Actually I haven't written much poetry at all lol. I haven't tried Tanka, other formal structures I've tried my hand at are the sestina and sonnet forms. I'll post another nature poem I wrote, hopefully it's enjoyable.
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Re: nature haiku

Post by oldhikerQ »

One I wrote in the distant past:

shoulder straps creaking
stepping deliberately
mountain trails unfold
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
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Re: nature haiku

Post by rlown »

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Re: nature haiku

Post by zacjust32 »

Reader discretion advised:

waiting on the log
those five terrifying words
I need more TP
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Re: nature haiku

Post by oldhikerQ »

Found a list of them that I started years ago.

mountain pass above
yields secrets to persistence
gnarled junipers
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
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Re: nature haiku

Post by rlown » ... hing-haiku

I had a list of IT haiku, but I lost them 2 decades ago..
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Re: nature haiku

Post by sekihiker »

Garter Snake
Beware polliwogs!
Black-gold ribbon approaches.
It is time for lunch.

Whump whump whump whump whump.
You're just looking for a mate?
Why sound so eerie?

Rubber Boa
Milk chocolate scales
covering your perfect shape,
I hopped over you.

Run, short-eared bunny,
so small yet so assertive.
Go make stacks of hay.

Squawking, pecking nuts,
flitting atop alpine trees,
we love this biome.

Cat! Looking at me!
I'll not be your meal.

Brown, timid giant
crashing up the brushy slope,
you'll eat anything.

Golden Eagle
Wheeling through the clouds,
free, graceful, powerful flight,
may we trade places?

Rainbow or golden
I don't care which kind takes hook
you are so tasty.

Timidly peeking
slith'ring up bridge abutment
then across my path.

Pine Marten
Backbone of rubber,
have you never seen humans?
I must throw a rock.

What is in your mouth?
Are you moving your babies
or just having lunch?

Gang of six pointers
hanging out near high passes
I am one of you.

Placidly munching,
soft eyes fixed on passers by,
you are safe up here.

Pesky Pear Lake thieves,
Annie wants a souvenir-
hairy marmot skin.

Where are you hiding?
Polliwogs are everywhere.
Don't you become frogs?

written sometime before 2000
by Bill Finch
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Re: nature haiku

Post by sekihiker »

Great Western Divide

Great Western Divide
Wonderful passes and peaks
Range within a range

Lowly Cross Mountain
Another easy walkup
The one farthest north

Split Farquhar Peak
Rugged, jagged, beautiful
Serious climbing

North Guard - a strange name
Protecting Brewer's north flank
Stout, resolute, bold

Lofty Mount Brewer
Heads above its dual guards
Brings us superb views

Our gentle South Guard
Commands the southern army
With great dignity

Thunder Mountain spike
Formidable warrior
Difficult climbing

Table Mountain's flat top
As easy to navigate
As its walls are shear or As its walls are not

Midway is tallest
It's one of the easiest
So it is disdained
Midway is tallest
But since it's so easy
It receives disdain

Milestone Mountain high
Summit block thrusting skyward
Regional lighthouse or landmark or beacon

Triple Divide Peak
Kings to the north, Kern southwest
Kaweah is west
Triple Divide Peak
Kern, Kaweah, Kings Rivers
Flow from this mountain or from your summit

Lion Rock overlooks
Lion and Tamarack Lakes
What a lovely view

Massive Mount Stewart
Memorial to a great man
Sequoia's father

Up Eagle Scout Peak
Boy Scouts climb to your summit
Their memorial

Sawtooth Peak and Pass
Guardian and gateway
To heavenly bliss

by Bill Finch
sometime in the late 1990's
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