Low Hanging OGUL Fruit

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Vaca Russ
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Low Hanging OGUL Fruit

Post by Vaca Russ »

Sport and I want to climb all of the Ogul Peaks. One very easy peak to bag is Signal Peak. This peak is just above Cisco Grove off of I-80. You can see the summit of this peak from the interstate. We thought with the recent storms we would hike to the summit using our snowshoes. We left this morning.

It turns out this last recent storm was a lot less than advertised. There was very little snow. We brought our snowshoes but managed to summit the peak with just hiking boot.

Finding the trailhead can be a little tricky. The TH is on the left exactly 1.3 mile from the gate on Fordyce Road (this is the road you take to the historic “Land of the Giant Brookies”). The TH is exactly 1 mile from the bridge over Rattlesnake Creek. The TH is exactly 0.3 mile from the 1 mile marker on Fordyce Road. I want to be clear because somebody may want to bag this peak in heavy snow so I hope to give good directions. The trail is an old 4X4 road that is blocked by a big boulder at the trailhead. The TH is marked with red flags tied to trees. Here is a picture of the TH. The boulder is behind the Ridgeline.
1Truck (640x480).jpg
Once on the trail the hike is pretty straight forward, unless you make the wrong turn. There is a fork in the road about ¼ mile up the trail. Please veer to the right. Go between these two big trees.
2Fork (640x480).jpg
The trail up is a series of switchbacks.
3Switchback (640x480).jpg
Eventually you see the Signal House. This house was used for over 50 years to “Signal” CPRR trains of track hazards. This is how the mountain got the name. You can do an internet search for more information about this rock structure.
4House from below (640x480).jpg
5Signal House (640x480).jpg
6Sport House (640x480).jpg
7Sport Window (640x480).jpg
We even saw a forest fire east of the peak.
8Fire (640x480).jpg
The Signal House is not on the peak proper. We still had a little jaunt to reach the towers on the peak.
9Towers (640x480).jpg
Sadly, this is the deepest snow we found all day. :(
10Snow (640x480).jpg
Thanks for reading our post, and please pray for snow!

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Re: Low Hanging OGUL Fruit

Post by cefire »

Wow! That is less than I thought - headed up tomorrow for Basin Pk, looks like it might be less work to break trail than I was expecting :eek:
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Re: Low Hanging OGUL Fruit

Post by kd6swa »

Russ - did you see any Gold mine tailings or tunnels from long ago in that area?

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Re: Low Hanging OGUL Fruit

Post by cefire »

Got up to Signal myself this past weekend, thanks for the beta Russ.

I did not see any tunnels etc. - all I noticed was some very antique-ee looking glass scattered below the old lookout.
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