Starting to plan for the summer.

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Starting to plan for the summer.

Post by wingding »

July 1 - 6th. I'll be headed up the Taboose Pass trail and then north on the JMT to do Split Mountain from the west. Then back down the JMT to Bench Lake and I'd like to give Arrow Peak a try. Not sure what else I'll check out while up there - depends on how slow/fast I move and how much snow is still out there. It looks like a solo trip, so I'll be able to move along at my own pace.

I'm really looking forward to the trip.

I'm headed to Washington to try Rainier at the end of July and I think I'll also give Mount Adams a go while up there.

I'm going to try to do a 4-day BP trip that that starts at South Lake and ends at Mount Sill in August. I'd also like to give Mount Russell a try in August or maybe over Labor Day. Then Banner Peak and Matterhorn are on the list.

I'm hoping for a fun and injury free season.

What's everyone else planning???
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Post by SSSdave »

So wingding you're going back over Bishop Pass again. I may go up to Dusy Basin again late August so if that is when you are on your Sill climb might see you. That trip a couple years ago seeing you at Bishop pass did not turn out too satisfying. My Fuji Quickloader broke so most of my film had light leakage. Clouds and wind didn't cooperate much anyway.

I've also planned a 9-day Taboose Pass trip but doubt that will happen this summer. The thought of two 3k days back to back to get over the pass is an unpleasant thought. The last three months I've planned out over a couple dozen trips on spread sheets with all the vertical, mileage, locations as well as marked up maps and made notes. So have enough trips to keep me busy for a few years even if I don't go back to real work. Unfortunately trying to make a living just off photographic print sales is erratic and so far a lot less productive than electronic test engineering so I may be getting a 9-5 m-f job in a month or two. If that happens I might not be out in the backcountry as much as I'd like. So for that reason can't really state I'm going to be doing this or that trip this year. Best of luck up at Ranier. Always wanted to spend a couple weeks up there.

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Post by The Other Tom »

JMT from Tuolumne to Devil's Postpile. I know, I know, a relatively short trip, but that's all the time I've got.
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Post by BSquared »

The Other Tom wrote:JMT from Tuolumne to Devil's Postpile. I know, I know, a relatively short trip, but that's all the time I've got.
Wave to the Minarets and Shadow Lake as you go by. Some of the most beautiful country in the Sierra, IMHO.
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Post by krudler »

So far I have 3 bigger trips (longer than a weekend jaunt) planned:

1> July 4 weekend (5 days) - loop trip starting at Horseshoe Meadows down into the Golden Trout Wilderness to Golden Trout Creek, up to Rocky Basin Lakes, then out via Cottonwood Pass back to the car.

2> Awesome 2 week trip in August from Reds Meadow down the San Joaquin to Fish Creek, up Fish Creek all the way to the Peter Pande Lake area (Silver Divide), xc over to Graveyard Lakes, resupply at VVR, then up Mono Creek to Laurel Lake, xc over the divide (SHR) to Lake Izaak Walton area, then all the way back down Fish Creek and to Reds Meadow. Lots of off days for flyfishing.

3> Early October. Tehipite Valley. 1 week. Epic adventure. Good times.

I got approval for the time off for all 3 from work today so hopefully I can make this happen!
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Post by Shawn »

No fixed dates yet on my plans.....

<< Will do>>
- Mt. Harrington
- Mount Brewer
- North Guard

<< Probably get to >>
- Mt. Russell (maybe see you there Kathy)
- Explore around Marie Lakes area (aka Mt. Hooper)
- Catch a peak or two in Yosi

<< Might do >>
- Triple Divide Peak / extended BP trip
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Post by copeg »

I don't have anything specific planned so far. This winter or spring I'd like to get in some ski tours in: like mammoth to yosemite or do a yosemite loop from valley up to Tuolumne and back.

For the summer, I got too many trips I want to, don't get me started :retard: . Wingding, the two trips you describe over Bishop and Taboose passes are on the top of my list. Others include Tehepite Valley, and perhaps spending some quality time in the lesser known parts of Yosemite. Now that the west side is easier to access for me, I'll probably spend more time exploring it, like the Silver Divide, Blackcap Basin, etc...We'll see how many of these I'll actually get around to free time seems to be dwindling away quicker by the day. I'm happy with just about anything
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Post by dave54 »

No big trips planned, but it is still early.

I recently started a new job so I don't have a lot of vacation time accumulated yet.

Probably just some local stuff on weekends. I'll do the Friday and Monday thing to make some long weekends.

My wife and are still pencilling out a multi-month trip around the western U.S. -- biking, hiking, paddling, etc. Probably 2-3 years away yet, though.
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Post by freestone »

My goal is to go over Shepard's pass and wander the alpine terrain around the headwaters of the Kern late summer, early fall. By then the bears and me will be feasting more on the on the ripe berries and less on the freezedry. High on the agenda is to flyfish Tyndal creek and explore the various basins in the region. I would love to get over Harrison's pass and find an unnamed lake that I visited many years ago. It was full of Goldens, and off the beaten path, but that may have to wait, five days on the trail is my limit. My long time partner no longer goes with me many "death marches" so I am in the process of retooling my gear for solo. I just purchased the Akto tent on sale and have switched to an alchohol stove, Trangia style.
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Post by Snow Nymph »

Planning to hike two sections of the SHR. SnowDude has it mapped out. 9 days in July and 10-16 days in Aug/Sept. Still working on a list of trips that we didn't get to last year. Not enough weekends to do it all! :cool:
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