John Muir documentary

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John Muir documentary

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The BBC One Scotland documentary The Last Explorers tells the story of John Muir, the Scottish-born American naturalist who explored the Sierra Nevada mountains in the late 1800's. We see a young man with a restless spirit who grows beyond his strict religious upbringing to personally experience the Creator's beauty and handiwork, eventually becoming a heroic protector of the natural world. It's currently on YouTube:

There's a great reflection on Muir during the segment that begins at 21:20. Standing on a vista overlooking a glacier-carved valley, Yosemite National Park Ranger Shelton Johnson eloquently conveys the unspoken message of the tree lined basin and towering granite walls: "That's right. The constancy of change that's happening right now as we're talking. There's something here that says it has happened, it is happening now, and it will happen. It's almost as if all the tenses are here at the same time, moving with the wind around us." Ranger Johnson interprets Muir's vision, "He saw that human beings were a part of it. They weren't at the center of it; they were a part of it. And he didn't see any diminishment. He actually saw the opposite! I think Muir had this recognition that there was no shame in being such a small part of creation. That all those parts add up to creation itself."

Imagine yourself walking with John Muir through the high country of Yosemite. He would encourage you: “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”

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