Thomas Hill: The Grand View

Author: Marjorie Dakin & George Neubert Arkelian

“Thomas Hill, an Englishman, made his first trip to the Yosemite Valley in 1865, making yearly sketching trips to Yosemite thereafter. Hill’s work was often driven by a vision resulting from his experiences. For Thomas, Yosemite Valley was a source of great inspiration – his paintings capturing his direct response to nature. Hill’s landscape paintings demonstrate how powers of observation somehow turn into powerful motifs. He could put down on paper, not just the lines, but the feelings of what he saw. Toward the end of his life, he maintained a studio at Yosemite’s Wawona Hotel.

If you want to learn how to paint or draw our Sierra effectively – study the masters. Hill’s paintings exude power, utilize various artistic techniques, and he obviously loved what he saw….1890. For masterful examples, subtle drawing tips – mountains, water, and trees – I often refer back to Hill and this old book.” – by “markskor” from High Sierra Topix

  • Paperback: 64 pages
  • Publisher: The Oakland Museum Art Department, Oakland, CA; First Edition edition (1980)
  • ASIN: B000XYQ1CE