Using Summer Early Daylight

How do you prepare for the rigorous physical requirements of high elevation adventure? Strength and endurance are key, but are only part of a more complex equation. How do you prepare for changes in altitude, exposure, diet, etc.? How do you mentally prepare? Learn from others and share what you know about training in advance for outdoor adventures.
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by rlown »

Are you looking at BMI or a height/weight chart to figure if you are obese? Or did they just tell you were obese. I'm 6' 2" and I am very happy at 205 lbs. I dropped to 173 lbs due to another medical condition and I was unhappy with that weight. Plus, my pants were falling off. I'm now at 194 lbs and still happy. I snore as well but it isn't apnea, per se.
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by JWreno »

I am obese. I am 5'11". I maxed out at 260 pounds this winter. I was averaging 4 miles a day walking even at that weight.I have dropped my weight to 236 in about 3 months. I hope to be below 225 by September 3rd when I start my hike. I have been averaging 125 minutes of walking 8 miles a day for exercise the last two months. This is up over the 4 miles I had for the previous 20 week average.

I have backpacked the whole JMT at 200, 225, and 235 pounds starting weight previously. I had my body scanned after I got down to 175 pounds after the 2008 JMT. I was at a healthy 18% body fat.

I would be happy at 190 pounds if I eliminated the weight swings. I plan to weight lift train with coaching for the next 12 months and then do it on my own with my wife 2-3 days a weight to help maintain a healthy lean body mass. I know I am a simple carb/sugar addict. IF has helped eliminate those cravings. I find no problems hiking 12 miles in a day while fasting before eating my dinner after the hike. I have plenty of excess fat to burn.
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by rlown »

I wish you well on your quest. I don't even think of 12 miles a day anymore. :nod:
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by JWreno »

Even at 250-260 I have no problems doing 15 mile day hikes. Haven't been on a multi-night trip since 2017 so am working on getting in better backpacking shape. I am age 66 and I am not yet willing to give up on the goal of being fit.
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by rlown »

things sneak up on you Healthwise. My left foot is swollen to the point I can't get boots on and there is nerve damage possibly due to the swelling. I'm out this year so pivoting to fishing. Trying to figure out if it is a lymphatic issue or possible DVT.. Hard to get a dr appointment. July 19th and I get to grill the doctor. I'm supposed to be moving North of Crescent City. Already bought the house on Lake Earl.
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by JWreno »

I fully understand that not everything is fully under our control. Plantar Fasciitis was a big problem with me starting in 2007. First I just did pain control. Starting in 2011 I focused on well cushioned trail runners plus an orthotic insert and now it isn't a problem if I change out shoes about every 3-4 months.

I am fortunate that my wife is quite fit and she keeps me on track on staying physically active when possible. I hope retirement allows more activity on more days of the week. 3 days a week I work mostly at a desk so I have to do my walking before or after work.
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by freestone »

I was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea and not obese. Because I am not obese, I was in denial about having SA even though I suffered all the symptoms including migraines. I chose to go with a dental appliance and now, I'm much improved, especially the headaches. I would also like to have the CPAP because they are so effective then use the appliance only when I hike but for now, will just use the mouth piece.
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by JWreno »

I sleep anywhere from 6 - 9 hours a night. I find even at 6 hours I am fine because the quality of the sleep is so much improved on the machine. After one or two nights in the 6 hour range, I usually have an 8+ hour night sleep to catch back up.
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by Jimr »

I use it for absolutely nothing, but it does have an affect. I get 9 to 10 hours of sleep per night depending on how long one of my cats decides to sit on my chest in the wee hours of the morning. During the early summer daylight, I wake up naturally around 6:15 or 6:20, so I wake up without an alarm. During winter, the alarm wakes me up. On weekends I wake up at around the same time, but roll over and get an extra hour of sleep. Maybe. I do enjoy early hours with available sunlight on weekends to wake up, pump up some coffee, take a few mini cigars and sit outside for several hours just reading a book. I have a new book set for tomorrow morning. I bought it after I was summoned for jury duty so I had something to read while doing time, but I didn't have to report, so it's on.
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Re: Using Summer Early Daylight

Post by JWreno »

I am less than 2 weeks from the start of our trip but I am done 37 pounds since end of April. My backpack feels much more comfortable without a big gut hanging over the hip belt.

Intermittent fasting, eating less junk and amped up exercise levels have all contributed to my success of dropping multiple years of weight gain.

I started weight lifting a few times a week at the beginning of July to improve muscle conditions and reduce loss of lean body mass.
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