Wanna summer job? Pass along to anyone interested. Horse and mule packers

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Wanna summer job? Pass along to anyone interested. Horse and mule packers

Post by dave54 »

In support of our neighbors on the Inyo National Forest and the Backcountry Horsemen of California, we'd like to announce an intern scholarship opportunity with the Inyo NF Pack Stock Center of Excellence and the Eastern Sierra Conservation Corp. Duties include assisting Forest Service packers with hauling trail crews and supplies throughout the Sierras. Looking for applicants at least 18 yrs old available from May -Sept 2022. Application accepted until March 15, 2022 and can be found at www.bchcalifornia.org/intern.html and https://forms.gle/em5Xmqdjg7ssHBnPA. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! For questions contact Cindy McMurrry at 530-640-0429.
Log off and get outdoors!
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