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Information Booth Forums

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:29 am
by copeg
After lots of discussion between Maverick, Eric, and myself, we are pleased to introduce the new addition to the forums: the Information Booth. It is hoped this new category will be benenficial to all HST members and visitors, and everyone is encouraged to share their knowledge through this forum.

This category is different than others on the HST forums in that it is meant as an information repository - question, trip reports, seasonal conditions, and discussions should be kept within the other board categories meant for discussion (General Discussion, Sierra Nevada Recreation, etc...).

To maintain the Information Booth as an informational repository, each forum topic will have at the top a sticky post describing the rules of the forum, as well as a template that we hope contributors will follow. Given our hopes to maintain these forums with factual and up to date information, we anticipate the posts in the INFORMATION BOOTH forums to be tightly moderated (although as always hope it never comes to that)

The HST Team