Photo Post Testing Thread

Topics covering photography and videography of the flora, fauna and landscape of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Show off your talent. Post your photos and videos here!
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Re: Photo Post Testing Thread

Post by psykokid »

fishmonger wrote:
you are linking to

which wants to open something with ".webp" extension. You need a direct link to an image file (jpg or png or gif)
yeah, I understand the usual photo linking needing a correct file extension. It worked great when google had picasa and you could just copy the link from the page like you can with flikr or imugr..

The short url is a contraction of this : ... h768-rw-no

So yeah, I have a ton of pics on google photos and I'd really hate to have to start using another hosting service for photo linking, just trying to figure out a way to make google photos work like picasa used to..
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Re: Photo Post Testing Thread

Post by fishmonger »

the short story of it - google stinks for photo hosting. It's not meant to go outside their universe. I gave up on them long ago when they were dabbling around with ever changing hosting concepts.

So I decided to take a look, uploaded first image ever and the very first message from them is already a show stopper: My choice is to have them recompress my JPEG to crap quality or be limited to a pathetic 15GB of storage space unless I pay. I have 1000GB on Flickr for free...

Anyway - so I upload original to test and it shows me a downsized version. I try share and get the same useless link back to their site. Then right click on image and get this ridiculous URL

Code: Select all ... 14-h743-no

paste it into browser and it opens just the image, put it into RIMG tags here to fit the size better fails:


however in IMG tags it seems to work, it even scales it for me, so RIMG isn't needed. This is the full image area downsized from what appears a 1024 wide image on their site.


complicated, and from one day to another this may stop working.
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Re: Photo Post Testing Thread

Post by psykokid »

See it's funny like that, On my end i get broken image link and other weirdness from your post.. I think it showing up on your end because it's cached. Looks like i'm going to have to set up ANOTHER account for photo hosting.. Gah..
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Re: Photo Post Testing Thread

Post by fishmonger »

yeah, it is now broken for me, too. Perhaps it only showed as it was in my cache from opening that image directly.

Pretty much chalk up Google's photo hosting as a smartphone only gizmo. It's garbage compared to Flickr or paid services like smugmug.
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Re: Photo Post Testing Thread

Post by rlown »

I thought the solution for current google was to put all your images for a given trip in an album and then set the security to publicly accessible, and then the pics could be shared via the lh3... link.?. The error for the aforementioned link is a 403, which is clearly a permission setting, but, i get the point.. go flickr or upload directly here..
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Re: Photo Post Testing Thread

Post by ERIC »

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Re: Photo Post Testing Thread

Post by scipio »

Test upload.


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Test of link to Photobucket

Post by Wandering Daisy » ... t=2&page=1

Trying to get around the Photobuckt fee for linking photos. I want to see if this link stays here or if they block it.
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Re: Test of link to Photobucket

Post by Wandering Daisy »

Evidently does not work.
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Re: Photo Post Testing Thread

Post by ecat »

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