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Bishop Pass condition

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 1:03 pm
by avocadospice
I have a short out and back trip planned over Bishop Pass into Dusy basin in mid-August. Anyone have information re: snow coverage on the trails and pass or predictions for two weeks from now? Thanks.

Re: Bishop Pass condition

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 3:34 pm
by kpeter
I don't have first hand knowledge. What I am doing in advance of my trip is watching the Sentinel Hub Playground satellite photos of my destinations, often on a daily basis. That way I can see which lakes are still frozen, which passes still have snow in them, etc.

Looking at it today, July 29, Bishop Lake is melting out and should be free of snow soon. The pass, however, has lots of snow on the north side, which is also the dangerous side. My guess is that much will melt out prior to your trip but there could still be snow across the some of the switchbacks going up that north side. Whether it is safe enough for you may depend on your ability, comfort level, gear, and the melt. At least this way you can know fairly precisely what you will encounter. ... ates=false

Re: Bishop Pass condition

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 3:17 pm
by cyanocorax.yncas
I am going up there this upcoming weekend (entry August 4th).

I'll try to remember to update this thread with conditions when I get back. Conditions on the ground will determine whether I go down into Dusy Basin or do off-trail exploration towards Barrett Lakes, but either way I will be going over Bishop Pass.

In the meantime, I'm quite sure the pass is passable, albeit still snowy as mentioned above, because PCTers have been using it as an alternate route due to the San Joaquin bridge collapse. Of course, this year's batch of PCT hikers will have been quite used to snow travel by the time they got to that point in the trail, so you will have to make assessments based on your own skill and comfort level

Re: Bishop Pass condition

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:25 pm
by SDTrojan
Have a permit for Bishop Pass/South Lake for this weekend.
Have never been up to Dusy Basin, wondering if it's still nice in the snow, or if it's worth waiting for more snow to melt.
Have crampons/ice axe and experience using them, it sounds like they may be needed for the pass.

Re: Bishop Pass condition

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 12:45 pm
by cyanocorax.yncas
Here's an update I spotted on reddit (post was made today, so "last weekend" refers to 7/28 - 7/30):

"I went up over Bishop pass down to the JMT and back last weekend. Snow patches intermittent starting after Long lake. Hiking poles were enough, I did not need micro spikes or axe because the snow was soft and their are boot tracks. Most of the switchbacks up to the pass are clear with a few scrambles to avoid snow. Dusy branch has a bridge that is buckled but still cross able and the crossing another mile down trail was up to my lower thigh(ref I’m 6’1). I did the crossing at the trail and did not think it was too bad. The mosquitoes were not bad above Saddlerock lake and in the Dusy Basin. Lower elevations are worse"

Re: Bishop Pass condition

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 7:19 pm
by cyanocorax.yncas
I just made it out and over Bishop Pass into Dusy Basin and back. Mostly snow-free with a few remnant fields that have tracks in them. I carried microspikes with me and never felt the need to put them on. Great conditions.

Lots of mosquitoes at the trail head, but they were gone at about 10,500'. Same in Dusy Basin. Tons of those little black swarming ones that don't bite but just get in everything.

Re: Bishop Pass condition

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2023 8:45 pm
by bilby
Thanks for the intel!