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UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:16 pm
by michaelzim
I have been looking at the wide world of sleeping bags and "hybrid" bag-quilts and see almost nothing on UGQ - in particular their Outlaw Hybrid...which I am trying to compare to EE's Convert or Conundrum. I like more space than mummy bags offer and these options are more roomy without the Space-X prices of Western Mountaineering's 'wide' bags.

A Google search for UGQ reviews is very skimpy, and nothing comes up at all if I limit it to within High Sierra Topix...This brings on my "Hmmmmmmm?????" reflex. So...
Anyone have a UGQ quilt or quilt-bag?
Any comments about UGQ at all?
Any comparisons with better known brands like Enlightened Equipment would be particularly great!

Thanks ~ Michaelzim

Re: UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2022 7:33 pm
by paul
I do not have any experience with UGQ, but i did buy a quilt a couple years ago after considerable shopping around, and what i found was that comparing quilts from different manufacturers takes some work. Firstly, the ratings they give their quilts vary quite a bit. Two quilts that are quite close in dimensions and fill weight may have quite different ratings. So I ignored ratings. Secondly, dimensions are not measured in a consistent way, so that quilts of the same nominal size may not be the same actual size. Thus, you must take the time to clarify all points in order to make useful comparisons. Most manufacturers offer various fill weight and size options, so it is generally possible to get truly comparable configurations, but it takes some work. I ended up determining a target fill weight of a given fill power that i thought would give me the desired level of warmth, and dimensions that i felt comfortable with based on a bag I owned at the time. Then I was able to work out configurations from a couple manufacturers that seems to fulfill those requirements and compare those for price and total weight.
I ended up with a Nunatak and I am hapy with it.

Re: UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:31 pm
by michaelzim
@paul Thanks for the 'confirmation' of what I have ended up doing also. Looking at the fill weight of the down for comparable loft numbers - be it 850 or 950 down, etc.
Indeed, with comparable 10D or 20D fabrics and so forth, the other adjustments in weight come down to minimal ounces for almost identical products. If a quilt has a full length zipper it is going to be a tad heavier than a no zipper version, etc. Common sense stuff.

I have pretty much zeroed in on the Enlightened Equipment Conundrum 'wide' at zero degrees, and the UGQ version of the same. Interestingly, when you add in all the "extras" at UGQ that are standard on the EE they come in more expensive - which counters the initial impression and propaganda that they are cheaper for the same quality or better. I will illustrate in case anyone else is following in this same path:

The EE Conundrum includes and has no extra charge for 10D fabric, the closed footbox, or the big cotton storage bag. It does not have the "no taper" option or the "overfill" option of UGQ...but the UGQ Outlaw needs 2 more ounces of "overfill" to match the same fill weight of down as the EE bag! Once this is done they have almost identical total weights too = 36 to 38 ounces or close enough [For the configuration and options I am looking at].

Initially the UGQ looks significantly cheaper, but they charge extra for:
~ That 2 ounces of overfill to match fill weight totals = $24 for 850 down ($30 for 950 down)
~ If use 10D outer fabric (which EE does not charge extra for) = $10
~ If do an insulated footbox to match the EE Conundrum = $25
~ Deluxe attachment straps (same straps as EE) = $5
~ The big storage sack/bag (included with EE) = $10
* [Both charge extra for Draft Collars so have not added that in the list here as included them in my 'base price' for each!]

Total for all of the above 'extras' increases the price of the UGQ bag by $ get a real apples to apples comparison with EE.
The zero degree bags, in 'regular' length, 'wide' configuration, 850 down, with top draft collars only (as both have closed foot-boxes so not needed there), the storage sacks, and 10D fabric inside and out, come to:

+ EE Conundrum / zero / 850 down = $440 & total weight of 36.2 oz.
+ UGQ Outlaw / zero / 850 down = $518.95 & total weight of 38 oz.

If switch to the 950 down the EE savings become minimal at just under $5 total - which is kinda odd but interesting:

+ EE Conundrum / zero / 950 down = $570 & total weight of 33.6 oz.
+ UGQ Outlaw / zero / 950 down = $574.95 & total weight of 35.8 oz.

Not sure which way I am heading as have a bunch of questions for both manufacturers at these prices!

best ~ Michaelzim

Re: UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 7:02 pm
by wsp_scott
I have a UGQ underquilt for my hammock setup and I used to have a top quilt before it got shredded in a baggage incident. They both were purchased about 7 years ago and were/are great. I ended up replacing the ruined top quilt with an EE model (20 degree Convert) because of immediate availability but I would have happily purchased another UGQ. I think both EE and UGQ are safe purchases, so I'd go with price/specs in my decision.

hope that helps

Re: UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:42 am
by robow8
I have heard that EE's temp ratings were "survival", and many stories of cold nights in EE quilts. Maybe that has changed, but I would look into it, especially if you are getting a 0° quilt.
My wife and I have Cedar Ridge Outdoor quilts and really like them. But I have heard good things about UGQ's side tension system.

Re: UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:17 pm
by Kelbaker
My son was 11 when I bought him the 850 down, 10 degree Conundrum 5 years ago, we usually sleep under the stars and even when nights get chilly I don't remember him ever complaining of being cold. The new water resistant fabrics are great, water beads up on the outside but doesn't soak in on dewy mornings. I own the 10 degree Z-Pack Classic 900 fill which is a similar quilt hybrid that I have had for 7 or 8 years , replacing a 3-1/2 lbs North Face that I bought in the 80's. When the temperatures dip into the low 30s or 20s I need thermals on or I am cold. I think the Conundrum and Z-pack is a great summer light weight bag. Good luck on your decision.

Re: UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:55 pm
by michaelzim
Thanks everyone for advice, comments, etc. it has been very helpful.

On that note I will say that both EE and UGQ have been great in the "helpfulness" department! EE by phone and UGQ by email. I had a bunch of detailed questions for each and all got answered promptly and well. It was a hard choice of who to go with but this morning I decided to get the UGQ as they had a 10% discount coupon which helped cover all the extras. To be fair, EE has a 10% coupon if you sign up for their newsletter and is going to have maybe 20% off for "Black Friday" - so that could be a big savings.

Reasons for going with the UGQ are minimal...with maybe the biggest being to see what their "bag" is like v. EE. Really they are so close in specs it's a coin flip, but the shape of the UGQ appealed to me more and is a bit wider which I like the sound of.
In addition, there are two things that bug me about the EE Convert I have (apart from being a bit cold) and that is the zipper tends to snag really easily, and the draft collar pull cord is located dead center on the top (or bottom) if zipper is at the side. The draft collar cord gets tangled up in my face and neck if pulled in more than a tiny bit.
By the way, these two 'complaints' are repeated a number of times in the reviews and YouTube videos I managed to find so mentioned it the the EE rep. - which he duly noted to pass on. Not sure much can be done about the snagging zipper as EE uses a baffle, whereas UGQ uses a 'backing strip' - which may let in a little cold air v. the baffle. I will find out on that one!
The pull cord for the UGQ draft collar is at the sides so avoids the "in your face" issue - which they specifically mention as a selling point.

Apparently EE uses grey duck for their 850 down and grey goose for the 950 down...UGQ uses white goose for both lofts. NOTE! This was c/o UGQ and I did not check this statement with EE plus not sure how much difference it makes in the real world of temperatures in a tent.
By getting 2 ounces of UGQ 'overfill' I matched the EE fill weight for same zero degrees rating, though given what I said above that may not have been necessary. It made the total UGQ weight 2 ounces heavier than the EE but I can live with that and may indeed gain a few extra degrees of warmth.

The wait time for the quilt/bag is 4 weeks, so not much more I can add at this point. In the end the proof is in the pudding - with this being rather a gourmet one v. the smorgasbord of cheaper bags out there at places like REI - but without the customization.

Thanks again for help with this...Best ~ Michaelzim

Re: UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:32 pm
by westmatt
Just seeing this, but I have a UGQ Bandit quilt that I love. 850 fill power with 1 oz. overstuff in the footbox, 55" width, full taper. It's a 20 degree quilt, and I've been down into the mid 20's with it and was blissfully unaware.

Re: UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 7:33 am
by michaelzim
To wrap this up on my 0 degree Outlaw hybrid UGQ quilt (full length zipper) arrived some weeks ago and I am impressed with it. Super lofty and the material is nicer than I expected. I was presuming it would be slick and slippery but it is not. Feels strong as well.
I will have to see how it performs in due course as I am not a snow camper. My sense is that it is going to keep me warm in upper 20's as it has much more loft than my 20 degree EE bag.
Waiting and getting expensive gear on sale around Black Friday sure makes a lot of sense. I'm ready for 2023.

Here's a photo:
UGQ - Photo.jpg
Best ~ Michaelzim

Re: UGQ Down Quilts or "Sleeping Bags" - Any comments?

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 7:50 pm
by Wandering Daisy
When it gets really cold, where you actually need a 0F degree bag, I cannot imagine any quilt or bag would work without a good draft collar and hood. It looks like the bag shown has no draft collar. How do you keep your head warm?