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Bishop Pass June 11 - Hiking Partner wantd

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 9:31 pm
by bharmandvm
Have early season multi-way permit Bishop Pass to Dusy Basin June 11, 2021. Permit for 2 but hiking partner can't make it. Low snow year but likely still snow over pass. 2-4 days. I am a veterinarian and I hike with a Border Collie too! Vaccinated

Re: Bishop Pass June 11 - Hiking Partner wantd

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 2:33 pm
by Wandering Daisy
I interpreted your post that you want to take your dog. I do not believe dogs are allowed in Dusy Basin.

Re: Bishop Pass June 11 - Hiking Partner wantd

Posted: Wed May 05, 2021 4:06 pm
by maverick
I interpreted your post that you want to take your dog. I do not believe dogs are allowed in Dusy Basin.

Re: Bishop Pass June 11 - Hiking Partner wantd

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:29 am
by BigMan
If this is inappropriate, please delete, but I just did a quick 3-nighter into Dusy Basin and saw one dog going in to the Basin and two dogs coming out.

It used to be I'd rarely see dogs where they're not allowed. Now it's almost every trip. That's not an exaggeration.

These dog owners must know their dogs aren't allowed - there are notifications everywhere (permits, signs, etc.) - they just don't care.

Problem is, in my experience, the rangers don't care, either. Not enough to actually cite the dog owners, which is the only way they'll change their behavior. Lectures won't do that.

Places I've seen dogs on trails within the last couple of years - Kings Canyon, Pt. Reyes, Prairie Creek (both Fern Canyon and the redwood trails), Death Valley, Lake Berryessa, to name just a few.

Bums me out because I like dogs and love seeing them where they're allowed.