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Pine Lakes / French Lakes / Royce Lakes 7/24-25

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:07 pm
by Wandering Daisy
Just returned from a loop out of Pine Creek TH. Overall, nearly NO mosquitoes! No problem on trail, except a few pestered me at water crossings where I had to wade. A few more at dusk and dawn. Most seem to be in the 10,000-10,800 foot range, in forests. In spite of absolutely soggy meadows above 11,000 feet, there were only a few little ones, none that would bite. Every day had a breeze, a few days very breezy, and that may have helped. Froze two nights. Camps were from 11,200 to 11,800 feet elevation. I did use a head net a few times for those little gnat things that swarmed bushes.

Pine Lakes area 7/24-5 0-2.
French Lake and Steelhead Lake, 0-1
Royce Lakes -- NONE
Granite Park - NONE
Chalfant Lakes - 1

By the way, the lack of bugs also made fly fishing pretty terrible. Saw fish but they just were not interested in eating bugs.

Woods Lake

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 6:47 pm
by scraperpro
Woods Lake - Round Top Lake - Lake Winamucca - Woods Lake Just about everywhere a "2". Maybe a "3" in some marshy areas. Considerable snow still above 8500 feet, and amazing wildflowers above 9000 ft.

Maxson/Red Mountain Basin/Hell for Sure

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 7:00 pm
by cslaght
Lower areas east of Courtright 1-2
Red Mountain Basin/Disappointment Lake 3+
Hell for Sure lake to the pass and higher 2-3

Used 100% DEET and nets so counteracted a lot of the affects of these, (hence the 3+), untreated, probably add a number over 10k feet.

A piece of note, when we went in on Wednesday, people coming out were complaining heavily of mosquito, though it never lived up to their concerns for us.

Videtta Meadow / Charlotte / Kearsarge 6/28-6/29

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 9:04 pm
by sambieni
June 28:
Lower Vidette Meadow 3
Upper Vidette Meadow 2+

June 29:
Charlotte Lake 1+
Kearsarge Lakes 2

Hilgard Branch/Lake Italy/Bear Lakes/7 Gables 7/26-7/30

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:27 am
by Carne_DelMuerto
7/26 Hilgard Branch (approx. 9.6k) 2-3 (wind kept them away most of the time)
7/27 Lake Italy 0-1
7/28 Big Bear Lake 0-1
7/29 7 Gables area 2 during day
7/29 Lower East Fork Bear Creek (approx. 10k) 3-4

Also, the Bear Ridge trail was thick with them in the wet areas. If you stopped near water they would be all over you.

(Full TR coming this week, hopefully.)

Grouse Lakes area, Tahoe National Forest, 7/29/17

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:46 pm
by wildhiker
Hiked the Grouse Ridge/Sand Ridge trails from Grouse Lookout trailhead to the edge of the 5 Lakes Basin. No mosquitoes at all - level 1. This was in midday with light breezes and very warm temperatures (probably 80). Elevation about 7,000 feet. Open forest and open ridgetops with flowers.

Incline Peak trail to Tahoe Rim Trail, Mt Rose W, 7/30/17

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 10:48 pm
by wildhiker
Hiked the Incline Peak trail from Tahoe Meadows up the Tahoe Rim Trail and then west about 2 miles. No mosquitoes at all - level 1. Elevations 8500 to 9500 feet. Steep mostly open slopes. Great wildflowers. Still considerable snow banks in shaded forest on north slopes > 9,000 feet. Light breezes.

Re: 2017 Mosquito Reports

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 8:11 am
by MountainMinstrel
Day hike out of Crabtree (emigrant wilderness) to bear lake and back 7/31. Expected to be eaten alive but not a single bite.

SEKI Big Loop 7/24-7/30

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 10:09 am
by bernal2raro
Hiked big loop in SEKI 7/24-7/30. Of note: Cloud Canyon from Big Wet Meadow down to about 8,000' was a level 4+. Every time you patted your arms you would smear away dead engorged mosquitoes. Similar situation on portions of the trail from Roaring River to Silliman Pass on elevations from about 8,000'-9,000'. Elsewhere in the backcountry, conditions were quite variable, and above about 10,000' (e.g. Cloud Canyon, Nine Lakes Basin) there were no mosquitoes at all.

Bloody Canyon/Walker Lake/Mono Pass 7/31-8/2

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:08 am
by ibexdoc
Hiked Bloody Canyon, walker lake to Mono pass 7/31-8/2
Walker lake in the marshy are was about level 3
Upper Sardine Lake 1-2, one bite in two nights with Some permetherin clothing and minimal deet.
Mono Pass to Parker Pass 1

Hiked South lake to Treasure Lake on 8/3 level was 3-4