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Re: 2013 Expedition

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 6:47 pm
by sparky
Glad you made it back safe and sound Rogue.

I know writing trip reports isn't your favorite activity, but I am also highly anticipating all the great pictures of lesser traveled areas!

Cant wait to read your itenerary for next year!

Re: 2013 Expedition

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:44 am
by Pulpit
Thanks for sharing your your stories with us again this year Rogue, and glad to hear the trip was such a rousing success!

Re: 2013 Expedition

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:39 am
by RoguePhotonic
I'll do something like I did last year where when I finish a week of photos i'll put them in a thread in the photography section. I have already been uploading some from the first week.

I forgot to add the peaks I climbed to statistics:

(in order)
Sed Slate
Red and White
Volcanic Knob
12,680 (approximate altitude) SE of Recess Peak
11,920 (approximate altitude) NW of Tunemah Lake
Blue Canyon
11,151 (Windy Cliff)
Red Point
Kaweah Queen
Picket Guard

I'm a bit lazy at the moment to try and think of all the passes I crossed!

Re: 2013 Expedition

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 6:20 pm
by kpeter
RoguePhotonic wrote:Heading up Bubbs Creek I heard a woman yelling help! Help! A bear! I thought is she serious? Does she think I am a bear? But she kept yelling for help until I see her sticking her head out of her tent with a bear 30 feet away playing with her bear barrel. So I calmly walk over toward the bear clapping my hands and off it goes with no problem. It was all quite funny. At least she was quite beautiful. ;)
Quite a story Rogue, and ever since I read it I knew what I wanted to ask you. What makes a bear especially beautiful to you? ;)

Re: 2013 Expedition

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 8:01 pm
by RoguePhotonic
Lol I do find bears beautiful although asking why someone finds something beautiful is a bit beyond human understanding at the moment. Almost every time I see a doe on the trail I talk to them softly saying "hey pretty girl". They actually seem to like that. :p

Honestly though I don't know why at the time I felt the need to note that the girl was beautiful. I probably had just been out for far to long in the wild. I have more respect for woman than most men ever will. It's my personal opinion that woman are superior to men in every single way that matters and I have chosen to live my whole life alone without a girlfriend or wife simply because I believe that woman deserve far better than to be with me and I want far better for them so I go it alone.

Re: 2013 Expedition

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:59 pm
by Mike M.
Rogue, can't wait to see your photos and hear more about your epic adventure. I think it is safe to say, we are all envious!


Re: 2013 Expedition

Posted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 5:33 am
by toejam
Just amazing! I'm so glad you share your adventures with us.

Re: 2013 Expedition

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 10:10 am
by RoguePhotonic
I hope this does not continue to be a trend! Me having to post pictures like this after a hike lol

Injured Ear:


As of now the ear still hurts on the inside and feels a bit weird to the touch. Like possibly the bones or cartilage was heavily damaged and displaced.

As for my sprained finger it almost has a full range of motion but still hurts as well. Looks like a month isn't quite enough heal time.