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Re: What are the best Sierra hikes I have missed?

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 8:34 am
by maverick
Hi Lensman137,

Welcome to HST!
Thank you for your conribution to this thread. Hope you will post a TR to that beautiful
area which many of us here on HST really enjoy.

What are the best Sierra hikes I have missed?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:11 pm
by camptramp
Hello - great info in this thread! This month I'll be 63 - got my backpack loaded & am intending to hit the trail Monday morning @ Lewis Camp trailhead - from there Trout Meadows & the Lower & Upper Kern. Never been there - that's one of the reasons I'm doing it, as I live just a few miles away & feel like it's almost in my back yard.

Some of the places I've been is Graveyard Lakes above Edison Lake; from Florence Lake, Evolution Valley; and years ago did the trek from Touloumne Meadows to Agnew Meadows; Mineral King to Franklin Lakes -- What memories -- I am truly happiest when on a trail hiking through pristine country!

Re: What are the best Sierra hikes I have missed?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:23 pm
by maverick
Hi Camptrap,

Welcome HST! Looking forward to reading you TR.

What are the best Sierra hikes I have missed?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:32 pm
by camptramp
Thanks for the welcome. I should have added that I'm way overdue to get to the back trails - I do a lot of car camping & even have a little camp trailer for improved campgrounds - hence the handle 'camp tramp'! But I just know too well that the beautiful country is up the trails - so this week, here I go!

maverick wrote:Hi Camptrap,

Welcome HST! Looking forward to reading you TR.

Re: What are the best Sierra hikes I have missed?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:14 pm
by paul
Just one more suggestion - Red Mtn. Basin, Blackcap Basin, and Bench Valley. Get there from the west from Wishon/Courtwright reservoirs. Some off-trail, some on, but the offtrail is very easy. Beautiful lakes, right around timberline a lot of it, seems like it would be just your cup of tea. And you can taker the trail over Hell For Sure Pass and visit Goddard Canyon and Martha Lake - a must see place.