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Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:27 pm
by texan
What an epic trip. Thank you for sharing.


Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:40 pm
by sekihiker
Great report and photos for a neat area. The view of the Whaleback from Triple Divide Peak is pretty good, too.

Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:14 am
by vandman
I'm glad to see that you finally broke down and bought a real tent--old man. :bear:

Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:54 pm
by maverick
Thanks Mike for posting this beautiful TR and pictures, no such thing as a late TR. :)

Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:21 pm
by Ska-T
I thoroughly enjoyed reading and viewing your trip report, Mike. It will influence my future trip plans.

Just curious, is the outlet chute Mike took going down from Triple Divide Pass to the Kern-Kaweah River the standard route, or is there an easier way such as 1/3 mi to the west?

Are those blue jeans and a cotton T-shirt you are wearing atop Kersearge Pass? You are a man among marmots!


Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:20 pm
by Mike M.
Ska-T, thank you for reading my TR and I'm glad you enjoyed it. For me it's payback for all the great reports I've had the pleasure to read on this site.

The chute I took is not one of the standard routes -- it is a variation that would not be easily passable when there is substantial flow in the creek.

The route I have used most frequently (four times over the years) is to head south from the pass, go over a nearby ridge and continue south past Triple Divide Peak, then carefully zig-zag down the steep ridge to the upper Kern-Kaweah. This is class 2; I usually end up passing my pack down a few times to avoid making knee wrenching three or four foot hops with a loaded pack. This route requires patience and good route finding but there is no exposure. A second route mentioned by Secor is to head west, then work down a drainage where you intersect the Colby Pass trail, on the meadowy plateau above the forested switchbacks. I have not tried this route but it looks reasonable on the map. Because I was headed down towards Rockslide Lake and not planning to camp in the upper Kern-Kaweah, the creek slot route seemed the most direct.

Yes, blue jeans and t-shirt, my preferred hiking garb -- don't leave home without it!


Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:14 pm
by calicokat
Great trip report and photos. That's an area I need to explore and spend some time at. Thanks for taking me along the journey with you :)

Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:01 pm
by RiseToADry
Fantastic report! Thanks so much for sharing. I can't stop staring at the pic of the upper kern river. It looks so fishy. :eek:

Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:03 am
by richlong8
Awesome trip report! Thanks for taking the time to share your journey, and the photos. Good stuff! I have "blown out" more than one pair of nylon shorts and pants while hiking. I sometimes wonder if going back to jeans would be easier( definitely cheaper)!

Re: TR: August 2013 Solo Hike to the Whaleback (and Back)

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:33 pm
by Bluewater
Thanks for taking the time to post an awesome trip report. I especially liked the details and photos of Triple Divide Pass, Glacier Lake and Glacier Ridge. I've been researching that area for a while and your photos are very helpful! Your route down the east side of Triple Divide Pass looks like a lot of fun. Thanks again!! BTW, I'm not sure if 'Old Codger' applies when you're lugging a full pack over Triple Divide Pass :)