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Re: TR: Haeckel-Lamarck Comedy of Errors, 9/11-13/2023

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:33 pm
by Sam R
Ian--thank you sir!

My daughter really likes this book about a girl who gets lost on horseback, but whose horse, it turns out, knows which way to go. Does Bearzy provide similar services, in a pinch?

Re: TR: Haeckel-Lamarck Comedy of Errors, 9/11-13/2023

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 8:38 am
by Harlen
Sam R wrote:
My daughter really likes this book about a girl who gets lost on horseback, but whose horse, it turns out, knows which way to go. Does Bearzy provide similar services, in a pinch?
You have a child who reads? Real books with pages and everything?! I thought that turning pages was a lost art. Congratulations to both of you.

I have had two experiences when a dog I was with led me out of trouble in the dark. In the days before headlamps, "Bear" (the first) and I, and my high school geology teacher, got ourselves benighted on the scrubby, overgrown trails of Santiago Peak, and by telling Bear to go ahead of us, we were able to follow his light colored rump patch off the mountain.

The second time I was saved from embarassment by a dog was when well-lost (that is, exploring)) in the Vermont woods back of my friend's cabin. Their dog, aptly named "Sage" was with me, and by telling her "Go home Sage!", I was able to finally finish my circular exploration.

p.s. Has your daughter discovered the "Jungle Book" by Kipling? Our boys loved those stories, and all of the clever animals in them... minus Sher Khan the evil tiger.

Re: TR: Haeckel-Lamarck Comedy of Errors, 9/11-13/2023

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:37 am
by Sam R
Those are good dog stories. We have one that would sooner lead us to Timbuktu than home. Thanks for the kid book tip!