Sierra High Route in October?

Questions and reports related to Sierra Nevada current and forecast conditions, as well as general precautions and safety information. Trail conditions, fire/smoke reports, mosquito reports, weather and snow conditions, stream crossing information, and more.
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Re: Sierra High Route in October?

Post by WarrenFork »

I was out in northern Yosemite last week and we followed part of the High Route taking a shortcut from Virginia Canyon to Spiller Creek Canyon. We were expecting snow that day and we got it, though not until we were well on our way down from Stanton Pass into Spiller. Accumulation was not much more than an inch or so but it was wet snow and my hiking partner's trail runners got soaked through once we were in the canyon. I was glad I wore light hiking boots, especially since temperatures were unseasonably low for a couple of days and nights. Things warmed up and we had five beautiful sunny days after that. As long as you're prepared for cold and mindful of the weather forecast I think section hiking the SHR is well worthwhile up until around Oct 15. But I wouldn't try to do the entire route this time of year in ten days. You've got noticeably less daylight every day and you'd be hiking and making camps when it's dark and cold.
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