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Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:24 pm
by John Dittli
As WD said, the pass over into Gardiner Basin has a lot of talus. If your lucky enough to catch the old Boy Scout trail you can cut that talus in half. You can do a loop by following a hard to follow trail back around and up over Gardiner Pass to Charlotte Creek.

Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:44 pm
by John Dittli
RE Turret Lakes. As a day hike on a JMT layover, I hiked east from Sally Keys to Sanger Creek Lakes then up to Upper Turret Lakes, over Turret Peak down to Turret Lake, around into West Pinnacles up Gemini, Three Island, Medley, Marie then Selden back to camp- yes it was a long day and unfortunately I didn't take many photos. As I recall the entire route was pretty straight forward though the TI/WP pass didn't look very inviting. You will need to stay a little left as you climb from Sanger Lakes to Upper Turret. The route from Wampum back up to Upper Turret looks pretty good.
I'm pretty sure this is Big Chief- thought I had one of Turret but it's not showing up

Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:20 pm
by John Dittli
Now, regarding you initial inquiry- for what its worth, I skied virtually that exact same line in the Ritter Range back in '85. My memory is quite vague on the specifics, but I keep pretty accurate journals and very accurate maps. The only real differences I see is that we stayed higher crossing the Shellenbarger Spur dropping only slightly on a nw traverse, then turning the corner of a sub-spur into the small pond shown on your map. From that pond we traversed due north to the ponds at the head of Dike Creek.

From there we traversed west climbing very little to cross the Dike/Slide Divide. From there north to a crossing of "Glacier Spur" where you show it on your map. I do believe we had to poke around a bit to find a good way through there. Be advised that this is very remote, deep, dark, loose territory.

Earlier that same trip, I crossed the Glacier Spur east of your location (east of peak 12,344 on the 15'). That required a short bit of 3rd class on the south, but dumps you on the glacier with smooth sailing over to Lake Catherine.

Also on my map I indicate that the pass even further east (right next to the Ritter Range crest) may be an easier though un-tried, alternative.

All these photos are on film, Kodachrome no less!

I hope this helps you out.


Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 4:40 pm
by SandStorm
Damn, John. Thanks. That helps quite a bit. I really appreciate it.

By the way, we met this summer on the trail west of Whitney when those Scouts had some trouble.

Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 5:15 pm
by John Dittli
Hey ya! You were traveling with a woman? Yes I remember. They flew the Scout leader out that afternoon.

Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:41 am
by John Dittli
One last thing; I re-read your OP and realize I missed your inquiry about the Silver Divide.
In 1990 we traversed the Silver Divide, again a ski trip, so I don't know much about the trails, or the underlying terrain surfaces, but I can tell you what passes work:

Grinnell to Red and White Lake
Tully Lake to Bighorn
Bighorn to Izaak Walton Lake
Mace to Warrior
Big Graveyard Lake to Peter Pande
Big Margaret to Beetlebug: Pretty sketchy on the south side, goes all the way to Beetlebug staying west of inlet.
Sand Lake to Coyote drainage over Sharktooth.

Happy Trails.

Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:25 am
by East Side Hiker
Amazing routes and photographs. I see no reason that all this can become a real great adventure (though its probably already done - I'm always late on these things).

Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2012 4:28 am
by SandStorm
Yep, that was me. RE: The western Silver Divide: Thank you. Roughly, those did/do seem to be the best routes. Thanks again.

Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 8:15 pm
by Cross Country
I agree with John. The White fork route is shorter to the JMT and easier. Do WP for fishing. Another interesting route is Bench to Arrow. From there, follow the route down described in Secor. The large Arrow had football fish. I don't know about now.

This is the Lake at the head of White Fork. I would have bet I'd never post this pic.

Re: Regarding some rare routes and regions

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 10:35 pm
by SandStorm
Thanks, Cross Country. Yeah, I'm considering the Arrow route, as well. Thanks for chiming in. (Nice pic, btw.)