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Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:11 pm
by quentinc
Sounds like a tough trek. There's been pretty much of a trail built for the entire "back" side of Lamarck for a few years now, but it was probably too hard to find in the snow. It helps avoid most of the boulder-whacking.

Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:06 pm
by whrdafamI?
Picture 116.jpg

Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:41 am
by Snow Nymph
Are you sure you were at Lamarck Col? The sign was there on 8/13. We climbed Mt Tom Ross from there. On the way back we went up to the saddle north of the Col (no sign there). Oops! Following the boot tracks up to the col worked better for me than the boulder hopping. Snow was soft by 11am. Coming back in the snow was easier on my knees. I had to lift my legs to step in the suncups, but I wasn't worried about slipping and sliding down the slope.

Lamarck Col and snow from ridge to the south

Lamarck Col - follow the tracks to the left. I came down the tracks on the right (did not realize til I was at the wrong saddle and didn't see the sign)

The sign is still there

Lamarck Col from Mt Tom Ross. Its left of the dark bump.

Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:27 am
by whrdafamI?
Snownymph, apparently we crossed through in the wrong spot but we were definately there. I saw two free-climbers up there and one of them said that he had been over 3 times this year and hadn't seen it either? It doesn't really matter as it is only a sign telling us what we already knew. We was at the top. Mute point.

Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:24 am
by Snow Nymph
For anyone going to that area, there's a good trail from the sign down to Darwin Canyon, that's what I meant to say. Not trying to argue about it, just pointing out where to go for those asking.

Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:47 am
by SSSdave
There are several granite notches going over the col. Numbers of pics and info on the web for anyone wishing to know. Pics brought on the trail are particularly useful when going west to east due to the danger of those who read topos poorly dropping down at the low point on the ridge into the next canyon Schober Hole instead of higher up at into LC.

If someone earlier this summer went over one of the other notches than the one with the sign, it is likely others followed their snow steps making that route seem like the dominant route. Not really important because in steep snow fields like that, the better course is to take the route others have already made a stable track through. My own opinion at Lamarck Col is that it is most difficult late summer after all the winter snows have melted off leaving glaring glacial ice. The winter snows soften up during the day while the glacial ice can remain rock hard or if in the sun with a useless thin wet surface. On the west side as snownymph noted there is a very good trail down from the sign, well at least for maybe 500 feet or so. After that are numerous use routes in the granite sand though the best route has a more dominant track especially down lower as one gets close to lake #4 below. Where there is a dropoff into a small talus bowl midway, it is best to take the obvious ramps left south around it.

Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:51 pm
by hikerchick395
Just far is it from the trailhead parking to Lamarck Col?

Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 2:08 pm
by John Dittli
What is Mt Tom Ross??? I mean Tom's a great old guy that did some really cool ski pioneering, but I talked to him not too long ago and he was very much still alive???

Different Tom Ross???? Inquiring minds want to know??

Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 11:27 pm
by Snow Nymph" onclick=";return false;

Tom Who?
Situated just a short nautical mile northeast of Mount Darwin and the Evolution ridgeline, Mount Tom Ross is an often overlooked objective compared to its well-sought after neighbors to the west (both Darwin and Mendel). This peak, named after Bishop resident/photographer/mountaineer Tom Ross, has a character all its own and its profile on the Sierra skyline is nothing to scoff at. It's pronounced summit, impressive sheer north face and an enticing North Ridge are natural magnets to lure the curious and the adventure seekers. In addtion to its own features, it offers a piece of a geologic puzzle that would pose as a grand mountaineers challenge: 'The Tom Ross Traverse'....a route along the north-south ridgeline that follows though Tom Ross, from Mount Lamarck to Mount Darwin, ultimately ending at the Evolution Traverse. There are no recorded ascents to this date. Any takers? ;)

Re: Lamark Col. Piute Pass/South lake Cond.

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:57 pm
by frediver
Finally gettn ready to start.
Can anyone give me a clue to the various camp spots located between
Evolution Lake and Big Pete Meadow ?
Who was the last one on this trail and what were the conditions,
Muir pass?
I got my Vacation shortened by a day so I'm kinda stressing on the mileage
now wondering if N. to South lake is to big a bite.