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Re: Information Requests

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:23 pm
by maverick
Windknot wrote "The best way to avoid encouraging repetitive requests is
probably to not reply to them, and eventually they'll take the hint and start
using the "search" function."

That will work with some folks, but some may take it as being shunned, and
will not return, believe me, some folks are very sensitive.
Included as a reminder, to use the "Search Function", is part of the intro e-mail they
get when joining, and being part of the "SUGGESTION FOR REQUESTING TRIP
ADVICE" seems to help, but not always.
Would prefer to advocate helping folks, by making them aware of this function in
your replies, it will probably get better results, for most right off the bat, and probably
even get the more difficult cases to comply in the long run, by being helpful.
It shows our great willingness here at HST to help the newer, and older members alike.

Re: Information Requests

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 5:53 pm
by BSquared
windknot wrote: This apparently-not-quite-old-enough person wants to inquire what exactly is a dander? :D
n. Informal
Temper or anger: What got their dander up?
[Perhaps alteration of dunder, fermented cane juice used in rum-making, fermentation, possibly alteration of Spanish redundar, to overflow, from Latin redundre; see redundant.]

Re: Information Requests

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:15 pm
by rlown
and, by using the search function, It appears you are the only one who uses that term on the HST, B2 :D

Re: Information Requests

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:12 am
by Ikan Mas
I have to say I find you folk incredibly patient and measured in your responses. I have to restrain my snarkiness and just ask hard questions of these folks.

There is a very basic fear among people about confronting the unknown. I used to be afraid of leading a trip to a place that I had not been to before. I got over it quickly, but many do not. Add this to the "I'm in charge" attitude and the narcisism that is currently so much a part of our culture and you wind up with what you see on the boards.

It would also be interesting to see how many who ask questions come back and post their trip or, for that matter, post any trail reports. This would distinguish those that just think we are just a volunteer answer service and those that see the board as a community.