Winter food choices

Have a favorite trail recipe or technique you'd like to share? Please do! We also like reviews of various trail food products out there. The Backcountry Food Topix forum is the place to discuss all things related to food and nourishment while in the Sierra wilderness (as well as favorite trail head eateries).
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Re: Winter food choices

Post by paul »

fishmonger wrote:that European glacier lip stuff with zink in it, probably SPF 100 or better if you don't wipe it off.
Yeah - there's the rub, as they say. The last time I used a zinc oxide lip balm my lips got fried. I don't know if it just rubs off easier or what, but I've had much better luck with other stuff that is not zinc oxide.
Oh, and I also learned the hard way not to let my mouth hang open when panting hard on the uphills. Sunburned tongue - no fun.
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