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Re: Sabrina / Evolution Basin Ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:58 am
by giantbrookie
trav867 wrote:As far as the Brewer loop, heading west after Longley Pass, where do you think I should aim to rejoin the trail?
The simplest route is to hit Big Brewer Lake first (very pretty place and good fishing, too), then go over the pass (forgot the name) to the Sphinx Lakes (also very nice with good fishing), before descending the outlet from the Sphinxes to meet to the Sphinx/Avalanche trail below. From there the trail descends some very scenic switchbacks to the Bubbs Creek trail. You'll be entirely off trail from the time you leave Lake Reflection until joining the Sphinx trail below the Sphinxes. With good route finding the route tops out at class 2. You will see a big contrast in the crowds between on the on-trail part (Bubbs Creek trail, East Lake, Lake Reflection) where you'll certainly see people, and the trailless section where you may not see anybody (my wife and I spent 4 days in the Sphinxes, Big Brewer, South Guard L. the weekend after Labor Day once and didn't see a soul the entire time).

Re: Sabrina / Evolution Basin Ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:25 pm
by trav867
Thanks a lot guys- yeah I realized pretty quickly that either of the Foot passes were not a good idea for us. I think every trip I've ever planned starts as a completely unrealistic epic quest before it becomes a reasonable hike. All this research has unfortunately planted the seeds of a solo trip to that area!

I just saw MooseTracks' trip report of a Brewer summit, is that eastern approach the best way to go?

Re: Sabrina / Evolution Basin Ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:10 pm
by maverick
There are 3 class 2 routes up Brewer, east ridge, south ridge, and northwest.
Yes the East ridge route is the easiest following Ouzel Creek up-stream from East Lake
onto the ridge that leads up Brewer.

Re: Sabrina / Evolution Basin Ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:26 pm
by giantbrookie
Brewer's east ridge route and the southern slope are both class 2. The northwest flank has class 2 routes but that face is steeper and intricate (a lot of branching chutes and ribs) and a route finding mistake can easily get you into class 3 or worse. The east ridge would be my preferred route if Brewer was the objective from the get go, but on a "Ring Around the Brewer" trip, it may be more convenient to climb Brewer from the south

Re: Lake Reflection/Longley Pass/Sphinx Lakes loop

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:03 pm
by Aviprk
I tried doing that exact trip last year in the reverse direction. From Road's End to Sphinx lakes. I thought we would be able to make it to the first lake by day's end but my tiredness and the unsureness of being in the right basin containing the lakes made us just pitch camp at a campground we had found close to the river. Next day we put our packs on and about 1.5 hours of scrambling we found the first lake which was a big bummer because I thought we may have passed it. I just had completely forgotten how big it was on the map compared to other lakes in the area that I've been before and I thought it would just be a pond. How wrong I was!

So after all that time wasted, my friends decide they had enough x-c and we turn around about 200ft before reaching Sphinx Col. I was really sad at that point but it was still a great trip. The part from Road's End to Sphinx Lakes you definitely want to do it going downhill. There is section they call "stairway to Heaven" and it's not joke! From Road's End to the First Sphinx lakes it's over 6000ft and we had climbed almost that much on the first day!

I never been up to Lake Reflection, but when I do this trip again I will definitely do it the other way around, starting at Lk Reflection and going up Longley Pass and to South Guard lake and etc...

Re: Sabrina / Evolution Basin Ideas

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:10 am
by el cuervo
I have taken a heavy pack (>45 lbs) down Harrison many years ago. It is manageable. If your GF is experienced go for it, if not, you are asking for an epic.

A few weeks ago I reconnoitered Millie/Lucy with a day pack from Lake Reflection. I went up Millie 's and down Lucy's. Millie's is a narrow chute at the top (4' wide), with delicate footwork required. Lucy's is a steep scree slog if you pick the correct route (closest chute to Ericsson), as bad as or worse than Millie's if you pick wrong.

I will never willingly take a heavy pack over either pass. If pressed, I'd recommend going up Millie and down Lucy with a load. The moraine below Lucy's is NOT recommended. My knees may never forgive me.

I would not recommend taking anyone over either of these passes unless they were very experienced and capable.

Harrison is your best bet behind Forrester, though it is no gimme for the novice.

Re: Sabrina / Evolution Basin Ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:53 pm
by trav867
Thanks for all the input- got back last night from an amazing 5 day trip that was pretty much the loop around Brewer that giantbrookie and maverick recommended. Longley Pass was fun and probably appropriate for her skill level. I couldn't help looking up in the direction of Millys from Reflection though, its a challenge thats definitely on my list. I'll have a trip report and photos up this evening.

Re: Sabrina / Evolution Basin Ideas

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:21 pm
by giantbrookie
Glad your trip was a success and fun. I look forward to seeing your photos.