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Re: Altitude Sickness, Part 2

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:12 pm
by Harlen
1. Don't ascend more than 1000 feet per day after reaching 10,000' elvevation (conservative approach).

Lumbergh21 wrote:
I mean is Rule 1 really a rule for everyone? And what is the immutable truth that makes it a rule?

Referring to the point I made above. I read this long ago, so I'll stick my neck out, and hope I get it right. In my memory, the statement was that over 90% of the population will not suffer altitude sickness if after reaching the elevation of 10,000 feet, they ascend no more than 1000 feet per day. As Daisy said, this refers to one's sleeping elevation. I would assume that this would not apply if climbers drive from low elevation directly to 10,000'-- easily done in the Sierra at the trailheads like Horseshoe Meadow, Mosquito Flat in Rock Creek, Saddlebag Lake, and ???

Many people can push to well above this conservative plan, but the point being made was that this is a method that should work for over 90% of the population. The data may have changed, and I wonder if this fits with the most current evidence.