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Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:04 pm
by copeg
Shawn, great TR and photos! Don't think you should change your name just yet...the journey looked like it was worth it all.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 8:36 am
by Ranboze
That's a great travelogue Shawn. Ive been reading the October issue of Backpacker and the entire issue is dedicated to survival. The #1 killer in the backcountry nationwide is unroped falls. Most accidents happen when hikers are scrambling up or descending semi-technical peaks, crossing class III passes or getting far out onto overlooks for better views and pictures. And, most victims of backcountry deaths are experienced hikers, vs unexperienced hikers being the most common victim in frontcountry fatalities. So, having said all that, there is plenty of merit in your decision. Especially since it was getting late in the day and you were probably tired, even if you didnt feel it your muscles likely didn't have as much strength as the beginning of the day.

It's also good for everyone to read and learn that experienced hikers DO make that decision to "turn around" instead of "go for it", I think it's good role modeling. Far too often we want "that peak" so bad that we make bad and sometimes fatal judgments. I think these are important stories for us to tell, along with the successful peak bag stories.

I most always error on the "turn around" side, call me a "weenie". Im part "weenie" and in part lack confidence on class III stuff, but Im workin' on the latter, which will decrease the former! Still, I always give myself extra time and usually end the day with plenty of time left, at which time I usually do a 5 minute beat myself up that I shoulda gone further or climbed higher. I get over it and just enjoy the trip as it was.

BTW - the October issue of Backpacker is really a great issue with lots of good information. It'll stay in my library.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 9:14 am
by madeintahoe
Shawn, I so much enjoyed reading your story! Thank you for sharing it. That is a long dayhike, I think you did awesome & were smart with your decision. :) The peaks will always be there for you. Great what Ranboze says
Beautiful pictures!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:14 am
by Ozark Flip
A great TR again Shawn. Don't change your name yet. You know, I don't bag peaks, but equally disappointing to me is busting my arse to get to a remote lake to find it sterile and no fish to eat. :crybaby: