The Nutcracker

Grab your bear can or camp chair, kick your feet up and chew the fat about anything Sierra Nevada related that doesn't quite fit in any of the other forums. Within reason, (and the HST rules and guidelines) this is also an anything goes forum. Tell stories, discuss wilderness issues, music, or whatever else the High Sierra stirs up in your mind.
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The Nutcracker

Post by Rosabella »

Well, this really has nothing to do with the mountains and outdoors... other than the fact that the Nutcracker was the reason why I didn't get to go on the last HST group trip to Death Valley :crybaby: and I guess I would probably bring this up around the campfire 'cause that's where we can talk about the things we love :)

Anyway, it went really well, and I was so happy with the costumes I made this year. I've mentioned ballet and costuming a few times on the board, so I thought I'd post a link to pictures of some of the tutus and men's costumes I've made. I also danced this year (Russian)... it was soooo fun!

If you're curious....
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Post by Allyn »

Looks like you had a great time! How many costumes did you wind up making? Quite the seamtress! I'll have to show the wife, who is heavily into sewing these days! She's a quilter so is always looking at different patterns and fabric to create her magic with!

Happy New Year to you!
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Post by Rosabella »

Thanks Allyn!

The three birds were the new costumes this year. It takes about a month per costume/tutu.... that's from designing on paper to the time-consuming hand-sewing/beading (I have a daytime job, and teach evening classes once a week, so I have limited time to sew). I'm the only one who makes the classical tutus (the short ones), and every year I usually do at least one. They only last a few seasons then have to be replaced.

I've sewn for almost my whole life, and (probably like your wife) I've found that I can buy ready-made cheaper than I can sew it, but it's really fun to find something that you enjoy making.... quits or tutus.

Ditto on the Happy New Year, Allyn!! :nod:
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