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Tis the Season to Give Thanks for HST

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 12:38 pm
by Harlen
I just came across an old post on how the photography aspects of HST have been worked out, and then re-worked to make the site safe from hacking..., which in an oblique way reminded me of the steadily grinding Internet gears behind our scenes at HST. I again recognized what a great place we have here, set up for us by Eric, Greg Cope, Mav. and others at HST.

This dialogue I found in that old post clearly showed a lot of thought and effort on the part of Eric, in this case, to explain how the photos within the site work. and also, how he has set up the advert aspect to help fund HST, but in the least obtrusive manner-- and NOT the most lucrative. Reading between the lines, one realizes that there is a considerable amount of time and effort-- fine-tuning, and trouble-shooting going on behind the beautiful scenes on HST!

Eric is the unsung hero of his place, and only because he doesn't have any ego to sing his own praises with! I think we all should take our ratty caps off, and quietly think about..., or loudly shout out, the recognition we all owe to Eric, for the creation and maintenance of this beautiful place.

Check this out, after Eric mentioned some of the funding that goes into HST:

rlown wrote:
Anytime you want to put that donation page back up, I'm in
And Cameron said:
...Yes, I have been confused as there was once a donation option and now I can't find one.
Eric replied:
I struggle with the direct donation option. It's such a distraction and seems such a blatant ask from mostly good people whom contribute here and make this site what it is. With AdSense (Google ads) and the direct product linking it feels more natural having people ignore if they want, click on and purchase what they want at the same price, and then we get a piece of that at no cost to them. I've always tried to minimize distractions from dialog here. Also when registered and logged in, I've made it so you see less than half of the ads non-registered visitors see.
Eric, you always have taken the ethical High Ground, on all HST issues. I know a lot of us here love this site, and, whether we know it or not, deeply appreciate what you, and the other volunteers do behind the beautiful High Sierra Topix scenery. Tis the Season, let us give something back-- either a lot of praise, or a few bucks, to this HST Gift, that will hopefully continue to keep on giving to us. Personally, though financially poor, I would love to throw some money at you!
:nod: :thumbsup:

miter basin-019.JPG
Here's to HST!

Re: Tis the Season to Give Thanks for HST

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2022 9:15 pm
by balzaccom
Hear Hear! Good post. I second the motion

Re: Tis the Season to Give Thanks for HST

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 8:37 am
by michaelzim
Yep! I very much agree too...THANKS MUCH Eric & and all the Mods!!!

Re: Tis the Season to Give Thanks for HST

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:02 pm
by c9h13no3

I once tried running my own forum. I was too dumb and it was too much work! I'm thankful others are more capable as the sharing of reliable & curated information is best accomplished on forums.

Re: Tis the Season to Give Thanks for HST

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:19 am
by druid
I agree wholeheartedly! A thousand thanks to all the moderators for all the time and effort they have spent to create and maintain this amazing forum!

Re: Tis the Season to Give Thanks for HST

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2022 3:20 am
by Gogd
Wrangling a user forum group and administering over web site development is like herding cats while pissing into the wind. My congratulations and condolences to Eric for his willingness, generosity and perseverance.
