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Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:56 pm
by longri
Interesting, I assumed it had to do with the load added to the environment, not how it would affect other people. I was thinking of the animals, plants, microbiota. If it's only people that matters then burying it really well (maybe in the morning cathole) would be just fine, along with any extra food.

Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:03 pm
by Jimr
If you can pack it in, you can pack it out.

Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:46 pm
by longri
Jimr wrote:If you can pack it in, you can pack it out.
I have never packed in spent coffee grounds.

The problem with coffee (and let's be honest, VIA is not coffee) is that the grounds absorb enough water to increase their weight by a factor of about three.

Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:54 pm
by rlown
seriously.. 2 pages on coffee grounds?

Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:02 pm
by John Dittli
good coffee (grounds) takes a lot of thought. And I'm laid up with gout and nothing better to do.

But seriously, if sense was common and people used it, we wouldn't be having this discussion and we wouldn't need laws regarding it. Which, by the way, you can be cited for leaving food, including coffee grounds (there is no Starbucks clause in the CFR).

Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:11 pm
by rlown
It's fun though. I want a personal concierge ranger assigned to me to see what i do with anything I take in or out. :)

Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:22 pm
by John Dittli
A good ranger can smell bad coffee grounds a mile away! :paranoid:

Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 10:41 pm
by artrock23
caddis wrote:At this rate, we'll be told to pack our urine out too. :rolleyes:

I won't be surprised to see a reverse osmosis urine filter win editors choice in Backpacking Mag. soon :\
:nod: :nod:

Good on the OP for being conscientious enough to ask about coffee grounds, but c'mon... "Pack it in, pack it out", from my understanding, has always referred to non-biodegradable items.

As for me, after toting around a backpackers French press and real coffee for a couple of seasons, I switched to instant (Via, etc.). Love the simplicity, less weight, no coffee grounds, etc. I'm a coffee snob at home... 'roughing-it' with instant on climbing trips is no biggie.

Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:29 am
by Rockchucker
Or don't even bring coffee!

Re: Coffee grounds

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:12 am
by John Dittli
All right. I've had my coffee, tea actually, the leaves are in the compost, so now it's time for the :soapbox:

There is no biodegradable exemption or "except when wet" exemption, or any other exemption, to the CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) when it comes to trash in Wilderness.

There is no recycling service, or composting, so it is not OK to leave food scraps, TP, tin cans, orange peels or anything else that might bio or photo degrad over time. I can see the look on the rangers face when you tell them: " but my Cheerio's were wet, so I left them".

We can talk about the reasons why the law doesn't allow for dumping of "organic" material (animals digging it up, un-sightly, it just doesn't belong there etc) but that really isn't the point.

The original poster asked if it was ok to dump coffee grounds (I think?), and by law, it's not. I would think as a responsible forum, we would want those going into the Sierra to respect the laws required for their visit (whether we do or not).

We all decide which rules we are going to break, bend or disregard, and nothing I say is going to change that. But let's at least steer people in the lawful direction and let them figure out what rules they will break on their own.

In the meantime, when an angry bear comes after me with a caffeine headache, I'll know which list members to come after :)

BTW, does HST have a neighborhood cleanup day? I found a camp (a few years old) out on the end of San Joaquin Ridge that someone left (probably because it was wet). It is biodegrading/composting, but it needs to come out. Any interest?

Yes, my foot feels a little better, thank you....
