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Heads up re unexpected Aquamira leak

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 6:14 am
by bethmitchell
Hi! I'm writing to share a recent (and avoidable!) experience I had with Aquamira drops recently in case it's helpful for anyone. I've used them for years with no issues and don't bring a backup method. Last month, I was a couple hours into a 4-day backpacking trip, took out my aquamira bottles to purify a bottle... and one of them was completely empty! Gaaah! Thankfully I was on an extremely well-trodden path (High Trail to Thousand Island) so decided it was safe to rely on the kindness of others to purify the bottles we needed for the trip without asking too much of any one party - but on any other trail, it would have been a bigger issue.

I suspect what happened was this: when I checked the bottles at home before the trip, I didn't screw the cap back on as tight as I should have. Then I tossed them in my backpack and the one that emptied was left fully upside down. With the change in pressure from sea level to 9k or so, the air in the bottle expanded and pushed out, taking the aquamira solution with it.

I'm sure there are scientists in this group, so if that explanation doesn't make sense, please feel free to correct!

Anyhow, my plan for always going forward:
- double check that tops are screwed on tight before packing
- double check at the trailhead that bottles are not empty

Re: Heads up re unexpected Aquamira leak

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 6:38 am
by cgundersen
With this year's snowmelt, you'd have been fine collecting melt without any treatment. Plus, the frequent springs along the High trail are as clean as any water you'll find (and I'm very susceptible to giardiasis). Then, there are HSTers who dip their Sierra cup in anything fluid.......I'm envious! Cameron

Re: Heads up re unexpected Aquamira leak

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:00 pm
by Gogd
Leaky fluids in pack.

An experience with fluids leaking in my pack decades ago lead me to a method of managing fluids that precludes these types of experiences. I used to place bottles of soap, DET, etc in the rear pocket of my pack, along with all of the other small items one packs. So one day I go to get something from the pocket and discover the soap had leaked, and got into my camera, among other things. What a mess! I was able to clean out the camera, and replace a melted rubber button, substituting it with clear shipping tape; this worked for a decade until the camera was destroyed in a fall from a high place.

I was adamant never to let liquids leak into my pack again! Now, whenever I go camping I transport bottles separately in the vehicle in a manner that they remain upright. I wait until I am at the trail to pack any fluids in my pack. Once my pack is ready to hike, I always keep it in an upright orientation until the liquids are unpacked. And I equalize internal bottle pressures at the trail head, coming and going, as well as one of the first things done once I reach a camp, and back at home.

When I pack fluids in my pack, all of the bottles are placed in a plastic tub - I use Nestles Quick chocolate containers for this purpose. They are very light. I have several sizes of these tubs I avail to, depending how much liquid stuff is on the trip. The tubs serve two purposes: they contain any leaks, preventing soiling other equipment; and they protect the bottles from getting squeezed and forcing bottle contents out of their containers. I have experienced no leak incident ever since using the Nestles plastic tubs.


Re: Heads up re unexpected Aquamira leak

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 4:29 pm
by Lisina10
On a recent trip three of us were using AM drops. Two people were carrying the original manufacturer bottles and I was using little bottles sold by Litesmith for this purpose. The two folks with the original packaging both were having issues with substantial leakage and so as space in my bottles opened up we were transferring theirs into mine out of concerns they'd lose all their liquid still with several days left in our trip. By the end of the trip I was having different issues with my repackaged drops (not leaking, but they ceased to squeeze drops out). I've been using AM drops for years without issue, but since that trip I've added some Aquatabs to my repair kit as emergency back up.