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Cloudripper and Vagabond 09-01-2007

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:06 pm
by tomcat_rc
Rachel and I hiked out of South Lake - met Sierra Gator and Nordic Lass at Green Lake. together we all summited Vagabond and then Cloudripper. it was sweet for Rachel and I as we both failed on a previous hike due to a variety of reasons last year. it was Nordic Lass' first 13k peak. stunning views including Palasades and Bishop Lakes area.



Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:40 pm
by GigaMike
Hi Tom,
Congrats to you and Rachel on getting Cloudripper and Vegabond. Cloudripper is a cool mountain!

We all missed you two on Middle Pal, but thanks for the kind words while we were on the summit. I did manage to get a picture of Rachel waving her jacket from Finger Lake....


Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:45 pm
by tomcat_rc
thanks Mike - after 12 hours the day before - neither of us were ready to hop up at 3am to start a probable 16-17 hike - turned off alarm and slept in 'till 6ish. congrats on a happy summit.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 9:25 pm
by Snow Nymph
Great photo, GigaMike! I can only do the red circle. :(

Tomcat and Rachel, Congratulations of finally getting Cloudripper! Wish you guys could have made it, but there's always another day! I know Rachel wants MPal, so that's a good excuse to go up again. I guess I've done Vagabond, just didn't know the name. Nice pix of SG smiling!

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 4:27 pm
by madeintahoe
Tom..Beauiful pictures...I LOVE the name Cloudripper..very cool name for a peak!

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2007 9:56 pm
by Lewis
Tom, what is the Class of Cloud Ripper?
That is such a cool name for a peak.

More peaks should be named like the rides at "Magic Mountian" :D

What kind of exposure is there?

Snowy knows to only take me when she's doing peaks with no "class".


Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:50 pm
by tomcat_rc
Lewis -
I would recommend you ask Snowy her opinion as mine is tainted - I lately seem to underate difficulties as others may see them.

however Nordic Lass joined us and she is a somewhat new peak bagger like yourself. she was fast and strong and moved quicker than I did all day. on the final summit ridge of Cloudripper there is a short section that although class II you feel like the view is more airy - but nowhere was there a real "fall" issue - NL exercised caution and did great. maybe because she had experienced people around her.

hope that answers the question ok