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Explorer Pass

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 6:55 pm
by Lacherita
TITLE: Explorer Pass

GENERAL OVERVIEW: This pass leads from the basin east of Arrow Peak/Arrow Ridge (and west/south of Bench Lake) the the drainage containing Window Peak Lake

CLASS/DIFFICULTY: Generally considered Class 3 (ice axe required), though there is a Class 2/3 alternate using a somewhat loose slope to the east. The south side is easier.

LOCATION: Kings Canyon National Park, south of Bench Lake HST Map

ELEVATION: 12,160'

USGS TOPO MAP (7.5'): Mt. Pinchot

ROUTE DESCRIPTION (north to south): From Bench Lake traverse southwest to the valley east of Arrow Pass which has beautiful tarns of glacial silt water and spectacular views across the middle fork canyon to Mt. Ruskin. Ascend the valley to its head, then climb to the saddle immediately southwest of Peak 12,773'. The official route involves climbing a steep chute at the low point of the pass (which holds snow into late season most years), but there is an "easier" alternative which ascends a loose slope of iron-rich orange-red rock a bit to the east (left) and crossing at a milder but higher-elevation saddle. The upper descent on the south side involves loose scree without significant exposure, which transitions to a period of small talus before reaching a mix of grass and rocks. Follow the drainage towards Window Peak Lake, choosing the easiest route from a series of rocky chutes and grassy ramps. Risk of potentially dangerous snow bridges in early season, otherwise fairly straightforward routefinding/travel.

Initial approach to Explorer Pass from the north. Chute is in shadows just to the right of mid-photo, and colored slope east alternative is clearly visible to the left
Upper approach from the north. Chute seen to the right of the photo has no snow (July 2014), and is the low point on the ridge. We opted for the colored rock slope to the east (left). The exact route isn't terribly important, the base rock is fairly loose so we chose to stick to a path with the most outcroppings, which tended to be a bit more stable.
Detailed view of the chute that makes up the "official" pass on the north side. It's to the left in this picture, and has no snow in July 2014 (apparently quite unusual)
View to the north as we near the top of the eastern "alternate" slope on the north side of Explorer Pass. One many more stable outcroppings is visible to the right of the photo.
Final approach to the saddle that is the "eastern alternate" on the north side of Explorer Pass
Initial view south from the "eastern alternate" crossing of Explorer Pass
Loose-ish scree as we continue descending the south side of the "eastern alternate" crossing of Explorer Pass
A bit lower the scree gives way to very small talus (looking back up towards the eastern alternate of Explorer Pass from the south side descent)
South side of Explorer Pass. This is a view west across the slope towards the official/chute crossing. Looks like the descent on the south side is similar whichever crossing you choose. I believe that the darker area coincides with the north-side chute crossing (though it's been a while so I'm not 100% certain)
After much scree and smaller talus, we finally reach the grass and solid ground. Looking back up towards Explorer Pass from the south.
Following the drainage south towards Window Peak Lake. Grassy ramps/chutes are interspersed with rocky chutes.