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What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 12:53 pm
by maverick
What category do you fall in to?

A. Mellow, defensive driver, who doesn't get wound up by other driver's rudeness.

B. Pretty laid back, but can get perturbed at someone driving cutting you off or someone driving 40 mph in the second lane because their busy texting or talking on the phone.

C. Every infraction gets you wound up, flipping other drivers off and honking your horn is how you roll.

D. A mix of the above.

Which infraction (single) drives you up the wall the most?

I fall into the "D" category, try to be an "A" but sometimes drift into the "B".

My pet peeve is the texting or phone conversations, where a driver is going 15-20 mph under the speed limit, constantly hitting their breaks, and veering from side to side into the other lanes. :\

Re: What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:05 pm
by John Harper
In my truck, I used to be a C, now mostly a B. Doubt I'll ever get to A, except constant defensive driving. I have mellowed out a lot over the years, which is probably a good thing.

On the other hand, as a lifelong motorcyclist, I'm always too busy watching for cagers trying to kill me to worry about my attitude. Just trying to stay alive out there takes a lot of effort.

Re: What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:08 pm
by oldhikerQ
I wold like to say A, but I'm realistically 60% A, 40% B.
My pet peeve is people turning in front of me without signalling.
Fortunately, driving habits don't matter much when walking Sierra trails. :)

Re: What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:25 pm
by Cross Country
I think that the phrase "cutting you off" says something about someone using the phrase. If someone wants to get in front of me I let them go. No problem. This doesn't adress what kind of driver I am but might imply what kind of thinking the user of the phrase has. If it brothers you when someone is "cutting you off" I imagine that it says more about you than it does about the other driver.

Re: What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:49 pm
by cslaght
For a little honesty:

I definitely fall within D... and my mood depends on this. There are two pet peeves that drive me insane and that's when I use the horn. Being stagnant in the fast lane and not using turn signals. This irritates me as much as someone not digging a cathole ifyouknowwhatimean. Those two determine the general flow of traffic really well and maybe I take it a little too seriously, but I can't help it. How difficult is it to use? I digress... Years of commuting from Visalia to Fresno may have developed this (thankful not on that drive daily anymore). In the mountains, I used to be irritated about people not using the turnouts to let faster cars by. Now, I may still get a little impatient, but I'm much better than I was before. Again, a courtesy thing, don't have your driving effect how other people can drive. CC, to contextualize your question, I'd say there is definitely parameters of "cutting one off" are they weaving through the interstate not signaling, causing you to use your breaks as they move in front of you? Do they pull out from another road in front of you, causing you to dramatically slow down? I'd say that is "cutting you off". I don't want to get carried away, but if you do these two things, I go from A to C pretty quick.

Re: What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:57 pm
by John Harper
Cross Country wrote:I think that the phrase "cutting you off" says something about someone using the phrase. If someone wants to get in front of me I let them go. No problem. This doesn't adress what kind of driver I am but might imply what kind of thinking the user of the phrase has. If it brothers you when someone is "cutting you off" I imagine that it says more about you than it does about the other driver.
If I have to tap my brakes when someone moves in front of me, that's "cutting me off" pure and simple.


Re: What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:58 pm
by balzaccom
The older I get, the A-er I become...

Re: What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 2:30 pm
by dave54
When towing I am definitely A. With 9k pounds behind me I don't let other people govern my driving. I am more concerned about being safe and maintaining control.

Not towing I am B.

Re: What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:12 pm
by limpingcrab
A or B around town and normal life, but I have to admit I'm a Z when I'm in the mountains.

I consider it one of my life duties to educate other drivers about turnouts. Starts with normal driving until they pass a couple turnouts. Then they get a couple flashes and I wait two more turnouts. Then they get the horn. Last resort is honking and pointing at the side of the road with my arm out the window.

If I'm in a long line of cars and have an opportunity to pass I'll pass everyone except the lead car, where I pull in and start the above process.

People can drive whatever speed they want, just let other people drive the speed they're comfortable with. You never know when the person behind you is in labor and needs to get to a hospital.

I should add there's no anger involved and it doesn't matter if I'm in a hurry, I just want everyone to know how to use turnouts for some reason!?!?!?!

(it's usually Arizona license plates :)

Re: What kind of driver are you?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:42 pm
by tweederjohnson
I'm a solid B by myself, but more of an A when my wife and dog are in the car with me. In the rare times that I feel like a gesture is needed, I'm a big fan of the 'thumbs down.' It's easy to blow off someone giving you the finger, but when you get a :thumbsdown: and a slow shake of the head, it's time for some self-reflection :wink: .

My wife rolls between B and C - no fingers but plenty of cursing and arm flailing. You'd never know it just by talking to her...