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Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:12 pm
by maverick
Did you meet your current or a previous wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend on the trail? Of yes. when and where? Or maybe you developed a long lasting friendships on the trail? Has your hiking/backpacking experiences together make your relationship stronger/better? If yes, in what way? If you have made friends on the trail, how often do you girls or guys go out in the backcountry together a year?

Re: Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:57 pm
by Tom_H
We had a number of people who married after meeting each other on our trips. My wife and I went hiking for our first date, climbing Mt. Wittenberg in Pt. Reyes.

Re: Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:11 pm
by markskor
A bit too Dr. Phil-ish...A little TMI.
Enjoy most of your ersatz inquiry posts, but...

Re: Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 5:18 pm
by maverick
A bit too Dr. Phil-ish...A little TMI.

Re: Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:11 pm
by Jimr
You know my story. So do a dozen or so others on this forum.

Re: Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:18 pm
by rlown
My wife can't/won't backpack and okay with that. Mav, maybe you can tell your story?

Re: Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:05 pm
by maverick
My wife can't/won't backpack and okay with that. Mav, maybe you can tell your story?
Same as you Rlown, wifey no packy.

Oleander and Jimr have become wonderful friends, whom I get to backpack at least once a year, maybe twice this year, and are great additions to my life. :nod:

Larry Conn, OR, Sparky,VC, and yourself, are folks I have backpacked with at least once and kept in touch with, but do hope I will be able to backpack with again in the future. :thumbsup:

There are folks who I have tried to hook up with in the past, but either work or life got in the way. Hope to meet some more wonderful folks at the Meetup this year again! :)

Backpacking with friends who have a similar passion for the Sierra, makes us all have a very important thing in common, which also makes are relationship that much tighter.

Re: Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 7:19 pm
by Jimr
Luv ya too brother.
I've met a hand full of our members on Mav's meetups and searches. Several have become friends and are an important part of my life. Some in the Bay area (SFO) and some in the South Bay. We hope to meet up with a few in the spring. Somewhere where the surf meets the snerf.

Re: Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:31 am
by balzaccom
Backpacking played no role in the start of my marriage, although our first overnight trip was to camp in Kings Canyon over Memorial Day about 45 years ago.

We continued to camp throughout our marriage and while raising kids, but never backpacked--odd because we had both backpacked before we met.

Once the kids were gone away to school we realized we could do it without complaining teenagers...and have never stopped since. It's the best quality time we get as a couple.

Re: Backpacking / Relationships

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 7:40 am
by oldhikerQ
Did not meet the missus backpacking. We did try it together exactly three times, but each trip was a worse experience for her than the previous one. We both decided that we would be happier if I backpacked and she didn't. Been that way for over 40 years. She does enjoy the mountains, and we try to spend a week in Yosemite every spring.
The wife initiated a camping trip 2 years ago to introduce the grand kids (2 YO) to the mountains in Yosemite Valley. They (the grand kids) both had a blast and still talk about it occasionally. Guess that it's never to soon to introduce kids to the mountains.