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topo map links & user photo gear

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:21 pm
by SSSdave
A couple of things below I'd prefer to see members add to their posts on appropriate threads, especially the OP.

A link to a topographic map when asking questions about routes or describing routes. Instead people often try to awkwardly describe in words which is usually far far better communicated while referring to a map. The one free map source I use the most is:
It also has a road map and satellite tab that when switched to is in registration with the topo so one can switch back and forth making sense of things. Another important feature is the + cross sign at map center. If one selects the link to the page button, the URL changes to the exact map position of the crosshairs. Thus one can use that to reference any exact point on a map with the audience just needing to zoom in on the crosshairs. Before selecting the link one ought always first select the Markers button then Delete all.

The second thing I would like posters to do is to at least minimally note the camera gear they are using to take photos embedded in their posts. Just knowing what camera model they are using will be fine in many situations. Often we see threads where the poster has dozens of images but without ever mentioning their photo gear.

There are certainly other minor suggestions we could make to improve our posts and Eric and Maverick had indeed added some things like the sticky's describing one's experience, intentions, and fitness level.

Re: topo map links & user photo gear

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:27 pm
by maverick
Hi Dave,

We already have the HST map that can be used for that purpose, the user can copy
and paste the location very easily with the url provided under the map (though not
as precise since no "x" is provided, but adequate enough). We could add this to
require anyone to supply this info, many do not give the info already requested.
The camera gear info is a nice idea but most folks here are not photographers, but
rather document their trip to share or post on-line, this kind of info along with
metadata and other photograph relate info, is best left for photography dedicated
sites like Fred Miranda or LuLa for example in my opinion, but Eric may have a
different thoughts on this.

Re: topo map links & user photo gear

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:17 pm
by SSSdave
Yeah the HST map would be a considerable improvement. Just occasionally pointing out the HST map link in threads that are as I noted and suggesting they please use that map feature would over time probably get notice. When others see how people are posting they are going to try and do the same.

As for the camera info, not something to be required but rather just a suggestion for sticky information as something they might consider adding for their audience to read. What I fogot to add was for that just to be in maybe in stick info for the High Sierra Photography forum where that has value. When I see a nice image on the web, without minimal info one does not know if it was taken by a tiny $49.95 five mp compact digital camera or a $3000 full frame DSLR and if the latter has considerable more potential value as a large detailed image.


Re: topo map links & user photo gear

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:30 pm
by maverick
Dave wrote:
When I see a nice image on the web, without minimal info one does not know if it
was taken by a tiny $49.95 five mp compact digital camera or a $3000 full frame
DSLR and if the latter has considerable more potential value as a large detailed
Yes I understand Dave. If the person spending $3000 on a camera has photo's on the
web, assuming they are for sale, you would expect that they would also list their
equipment, and the sizes the photo's are available in today's market, as you, and I
do on our websites. Not a lot of folks drop $3000 on a camera, several more thousand
on lenses, and then backpack into the backcountry just to take snapshots.
By the way, anyone offer you a IQ250 yet?

Re: topo map links & user photo gear

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:33 am
by BSquared
Thanks for the ACME Mapper link, SSSDave! I hadn't run across that before, and it's a beauty! I love the HST map, also, by the way ;)