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Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 10:47 am
by scottshapiro
Hey everyone - Not sure how I'm just coming across this site! Wish I had found it before.

I've gotten into backpacking over the past 5 years since moving to the Bay Area. A handful of trips per year around the sierras and northern california with a bit of mountaineering. The highlight was a winter summit of Mt Whitney via the Mountaineer's Route in 2013: ... #Post30565. But I also love the class 1/2 routes, testing out new outdoor gear and just getting off the grid.


Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 1:11 pm
by Dogbrain
Hey everyone!

I grew up in the southern Appalachians but spent the last 8 years in Oregon before moving to the South Bay last November. I've done a fair amount of trail hiking and backpacking over the years but spent most of my time in the northwest car camping and riding mountain bikes. Lately I'm feeling the need to be out wandering in the wilderness and I'm gearing up for a couple solo trips in the Sierra this summer. Honestly the number of options and the permit situations are a little overwhelming at the moment and I'm having trouble narrowing it down so I'll probably post the Trip Advice form soon. For now I'm making short trips in Henry Coe and Big Basin.

@maverick - Thanks for the post about Mission Peak, that's pretty close.

Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 1:56 pm
by BeyondTheLens
Hey fellow HST members. I'm Carl and new here, coming to you from orange county, ca. I'm a hobbyist photographer but have a typical mon-fri desk job. I have some experience backpacking and completed Mt. Whitney in 2008. I can't believe it took me this long to find you guys. I have a trip planned for the 4th of July weekend and hoping to get some great shots. Thanks in advance for sharing all the great info and happy trails!

Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:46 pm
by maverick
Hey Carl,

Welcome to HST! Hope to read some of your TR's and see some of you photography. :)

Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:51 pm
by maverick
Hi Scott and Dogbrain,

Welcome to HST! Thank you for your intro's. :)

Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 12:18 pm
by nkane
Hi All,

In response to the invitation to introduce myself, hello! I'm 31, I live in San Francisco, and 90% of what I do in the Sierra involves either skis or ropes. But this year I'm mixing it up with a JMT trip in August. I'm shooting for 14 days. This board has been super helpful for planning, so I expect I'll have more questions as the time grows nigh!

Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 12:24 pm
by maverick
Cool, another member from the Bay Area. Were do you usually go climbing? What about during the winter, Pinnacles or Castle Rock?

Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 11:17 pm
by apieceofzmind
Hey everyone!!! I am a first time forum contributor and don't know how that is even possible at this point in my life. I originated from the eastcoast (Philadelphia suburbs) and currently reside in San Diego. The outdoors are my church and I really enjoy the temple that is California. My camping/backpacking experience here is focused mainly in the Anza Borrego and Lake Cuyamaca region. My friends and I have been adventuring further as of late and have backpacked a few longer trails in Big Sur. I am excited to be apart of this group so I can learn more and anticipate that I will be able to contribute some updates upon completion of my next adventure \:D/

Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 9:31 am
by maverick
Thank you for the intro, and it is great to read your enthusiasm as you anticipate embarking on some adventures into the grandest of all temples, the Sierra! :thumbsup:

Re: Lurkers Please Introduce Yourself

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 5:30 pm
by flyman
Hi to all.
I am flyman. I started backpacking when a friend and I both turned 50. I am now 64. I love the Sierras. Have been on several trips over the past 14 years. I don't have a favorite, all are great.
Trips that I have done are the northern Yosemite route oTwin Lakes, Benson, Matterhorn canyon loop. Hiked over Sawtooth pass
Rea Lakes loop. Two years ago took a friend that has Lukemia and my wife (her first overnight backpack trip) to Little Lakes valley. Now she is hooked. Last year her and I did Thousand Island and Ediza. Now she is really hooked. Did I mention I Love the Sierras.
I enjoy reading and learning of new places to explore from this forum. Everyone is so willing to share their knowledge as well as passion for backpacking, I make a lot of my gear, food, and been converted to an almost ultralite hiker, thanks to this forum.
Some day I want to do the JMT,
Thanks to You All.