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Re: Best 5-night backpacking trip?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:14 pm
by maverick
Spring to Columbine is easy class 2, Glacier is more involved, and you would miss out
out on the Columbine Lake area.
Please make sure to write up a TR when you get back!
Have fun, and be safe!

Re: Best 5-night backpacking trip?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:10 pm
by quentinc
I would also strongly endorse going out over either Sawtooth or Glacier (which is relatively easy if no snow, but probably not a good choice for this year) rather than Timber Gap. I really enjoyed this trip but as the trail heads towards Pinto Lake it becomes appallingly full of scree/small rock, and the part from Pinto Lake to Timber Gap involves a large amount of elevation loss and gain through relatively boring country. Pinto Lake is a nice swimming hole though -- one of the few lakes in the entire Sierra I actually found warm enough to swim in. If you're up for a little more x-country, I'd recommend going over the ridge between Big 5 Lakes and the upper Little 5 Lakes area. You can just eyeball the low point and you don't have to backtrack down to the trail that way.

The best thing about the Benson Lake Loop is the view from the top of the Matterhorn. But if you weren't planning on climbing it, I'd stick with Mineral King.

Re: Best 5-night backpacking trip?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:27 pm
by giovanni
about how long is the drive to mineral king from the bay area? I usually drive from the south bay and head to yosemite (about 4.5 hours to tuolumne meadows, and much closer for the valley), and I've never been to sequoia.

Re: Best 5-night backpacking trip?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:46 pm
by Cross Country
I agree with maverick about the Mineral King trip except for one thing. When returning over Black Rock Pass don't hike down Cliff Creek and then back up and over Timber Gap. You can save yourself one days hiking in uninspiring terrain by an easy shortcut. Maverick showed a photo that included Spring Lake. You need to x-country, cross the creak just below Spring Lake and go over Glacier Pass to Monarch Lake and out to Mineral King. My son Michael (the little 8 year old in the photo) and I did this from entire route from Little 5s in one fairly easy day. This route has really nice scenery.
When looking at this pass from the distance it looks like a vertical rock wall, but when you get close an easy route shows itself to the left of the wall. Mike and I did it easily.
Also while at Little 5s be sure to fish Long Lake.

Re: Best 5-night backpacking trip?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:25 pm
by maverick

Sorry, but me no say visit Timber Gap.
I recommended going up to Columbine from Spring passing Cyclamen's on it's
eastern side, so the OP could visit/camp at the Columbine area which he would miss
if going over Glacier.

Re: Best 5-night backpacking trip?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:37 pm
by Cross Country
Sorry about that. I read your entry July 27 which recomended Timber Gap and missed a later entry. I still like my route but you're route is probably better. Nevertheless isn't my pic of Mike really cute?

Re: Best 5-night backpacking trip?

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 9:51 am
by maverick
Yeap, and a great big smile too!

Re: Best 5-night backpacking trip?

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:02 am
by Cross Country
I finally have a BP pic of Mika as an adult (26yo) at my fovorite lake.

trip reprot

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:18 pm
by adornowest
We just got back from our trip. Maverick -- thank you so much for all your help. We had a great trip thanks to your advice. Our route:

Day 1: Franklin Lakes
Day 2: Little Claire (unfortunately altitude sickness dissuaded us from going to Amphitheater Lake)
Day 3: Big Five (with a swim at a tarn in route)
Day 4: Little Five incl 10410, Spring Lake
Day 5: Spring Lake to Columbine and out over Sawtooth Pass

I highly recommend this route. There was a nice variety of scenery, which generally gets better throughout the trip, and every night ended at a beautiful lake. Once past Franklin Lakes and while east of Sawtooth we hardly saw anyone and had all camps to ourselves. One of the most beautiful areas was between the Little Five trail junction and Lake 10410, and our favorite camp ground was Spring Lake. I also think that Cyclamen is quite beautiful, especially from its shore gazing up at the rock wall. We didn't find the social trail between Cyclamen and Columbine, but had a great time finding our own route up the east side. And skiing down the west side of Sawtooth was incredible fun. My only regret is that we didn't get to Amphitheater and that we didn't have a little more time to get to the Nine Lakes Basin, which seems like it is an easy strike from the Little Five.

Thanks again, maverick, your advice really helped us fine tune this trip and made it great! Instead of going up Sawtooth, we came down. (Incidentally, the descent from Franklin Pass is wonderful.) Instead of wasting a day via the Timber Gap, we had a great time climbing between the lakes. Instead of hanging out at the Little Five trail junction we explore 10410! Thanks again!

Re: Best 5-night backpacking trip?

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 5:21 pm
by maverick
Your quite welcome, and looking forward to helping out on your next trip if you need it!

PS You are going to post a full TR with pic's, right?