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Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:33 am
by Buck Forester
I chose "Buck" just because it sounds so studly and it also connotates moolah. That makes me a double threat guy. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:26 pm
by giantbrookie
giantbrookie was chosen because it is part of a title of a fishing book ('Into the Land of the Giant Brookies') I wrote years ago that I haven't gotten published. Of course "giantbrookie" is also chosen for some shock factor (both for the book and the username) because many might regard giant brookie as an oxymoron after having encountered dozens of "knockemdeadbrookie" lakes where you catch a stunted skinny brookie on every cast. Needless to say there really are big brookie lakes if one looks hard enough in the Sierra and the place my wife and I named the "Land of the Giant Brookies" was a basin of unnamed lakes where I caught fish of 15" and better out of four different lakes on a single dayhike.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:55 am
by OldGeezer
I turn 65 in a couple months. What's to say?

Bearlover aka aka Mattgyver100 webshots

Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:14 pm
by Bearlover
I am Bearlover because my life took a 180 when I was 14 years old because of Black bears. .. It is late at night.. a dark moonless yosemite night under the trees. I awake in my bag something is wrong.. shuffling and scratching from beyond the tent.. I look out shining my light on a beautiful sight.. a perfect specimen of an American Black Bear stands on hind legs.. stretching its fore legs skyward towards my bear hang. A perfect patch of white fur upon its chest.. just like a circus bear! I was taken out of myself that night and nothing can replace that feeling.. in a way I am always seeking to return to that perfect moment. I no longer bear hang but use a bear cannister.. as a result I practically never see bears in camp. Yet they are still in my dreams. Even the slightest glimpse of them when I am in the bush makes me smile outwardly as well as inside. Thus... Bearlover ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 9:46 am
by Mooses
"Mooses" started as a joke between my wife and I on our honeymoon. She's from Estonia, so often times I get Estonglish when speaking to her. Anyway, we were hiking in Teton during our honeymoon and we had a discussion of whether it was "moose" or "mooses" for the plural we had just passed a group of moose. So, for the rest of our honeymoon she was calling them "mooseses", plural 2x, as a joke. I just went with "Mooses".

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 5:16 pm
by Gak Icenberg
I could tell you but, only on a summit. Course after divulging such information, while you weren't looking I'd have to give you a nudge over the precipice off into the void. :nod:

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:56 pm
by Take-a-Hike
Last name is "Huyck" pronounced "Hike". (Dutch). As can be imagined, throws folks for a loop trying to get it right. So am constantly asked how to pronounce. One time while being questioned for a jury panel def. atty asked me how to pronounce my name, (he had it in writing in front of him), I told him, he said.."Oh, that's Huyck huh?" I said "Yes, Huyck, as in Take a..". He looked at me and smiled and so "Oh Take a Hike..." I just smiled back. I was first one dismissed from jury duty..YEE HAW!! :D
Wife bought new Lexus in Dec. She's getting new plates ":heart: 2 HUYCK" Again, the logical choice was taken. Whatever...I guess it keeps the state happy.
Perry Huyck

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 2:43 am
by Sierra Ledge Rat
Backcountry rock-climber

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:53 am
by Strider
Growing up in El Lay, I was totally into Lord of the Rings, even before Stairway to Heaven. Going hiking in the Sierras was magic. So far, haven't run into any Orcs!

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 5:31 am
by ndwoods
My brother gave it to me. Drew a pic of me once long ago when AOL was just in it's infancy and titled the pic NDeeWoods. I used that until I switched to Cruzio ISP and had to shorten it to ndwoods.