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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:03 am
by DoyleWDonehoo
Thanks for all the comments! :nod:

I am debating what story to do next. Get you opinion in! :) Here are some possibilities:
Beyond Big-Little 5 lakes.
Kern Lakes on the Kern River, the earliest trip of the season you can do.
Rancheria Mountain and Pleasant Valley (over Pate Valley).
The Vogelsang Loop.
Woods Lakes Basin.
Post Peak Pass area.
Emigrant Wilderness.
Seldon Pass Area.


Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:46 am
by mountaineer
Emigrant Wilderness! What a spectacular area. Went tehre a few years ago with my dad and sister and absolutely enjoyed it. Even the blizzard we had to sit through. :)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:59 pm
by JM21760
I'm a big fan of Big Five, and beyond.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:36 pm
by Buck Forester
Boy, that's a tough question, but the country around (and beyond) Big/Little 5 Lakes is so incredible! Personally that's what I'd like to see next, but I wouldn't be disappointed in any of them.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:15 pm
by markskor
I have done extensive variations on the Vogelsang loop - I guess you mean Rafferty - Boothe - Vogelsang HSC - Vogelsang peak - - Upper and Lower Townsend/ Fletcher - Evelyn - Hanging Basket - Ireland - Lyell Fork and back- ( or the other way around).
I look forward to seeing your slant, There is always a good chance that I can pick up something new in the area through your eyes...and maybe I can help you too in what you might have missed when you walked I look forward to this.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:54 pm
by DoyleWDonehoo
markskor wrote: ...Vogelsang loop - I guess you mean Rafferty - Boothe - Vogelsang HSC - Vogelsang peak - - Upper and Lower Townsend/ Fletcher - Evelyn - Hanging Basket - Ireland - Lyell Fork and back- ( or the other way around).
I am following all suggestions. I wonder which I will do? :lol:

The Vogelsang idea is partly what I have done, and what I want to do. What I want to do is get to the Lyell Fork of the Merced and take some A. Adams-like shots of the likewise mountain and explore the basin (and it would be nice to find someone to go with me - my pards health may not allow him to go...ever again). Due to some bad timing and other problems, I managed to do (and re-do parts) the Lewis/Fletcher Creek loop (and not get to Lyell Fork), which in this case would be the "Vogelsang Loop". Perhaps if I can get to Lyell Fork this year (3 days out, 2 days back min), I might be able to include Evelyn Lake trail. Whatever. This year may be strange.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 4:12 pm
by Buck Forester
Hey Doyle, if the timing ever worked out, I'd be honored to take a crazy backpacking trip with you!

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:13 pm
by markskor
Would not mind coming along either; figured I can always learn another trick or two from you two masters. I may not be fast... but I am slow.

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:13 am
by DoyleWDonehoo
I will keep you guys in mind. :nod: With the above, I would have to say, even though I am in my 50's and have maybe lost a step on the uphill, I still can hike most people into the ground and the guy I have been hiking with could leave just about anyone in the dust in the uphill. Last year I hiked with a 20-something guy and he was totaled. These days I try to keep hiking days (morning starts above 8000 feet) under 12 miles and 2000 feet or so of gain per day, sometimes more after I become acclimated. Last year on a first day I did about 2500 feet and almost 11 miles to 11,600 feet and that was probably overdoing it. No brag: there are those that can do more (far more!), and sometimes I do less than the above (See my stories and the mileages), in particular first days after a long drive. I just don't want to give anyone the wrong idea about what could be in the cards more often than not. Happy trails indeed. :cool:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:34 am
by DoyleWDonehoo
Two posts went missing. I don't know why. Just FYI.