TR: Vidette/Gardiner Aug-Sept 2021 [Part I]

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Re: TR: Vidette/Gardiner Aug-Sept 2021 [Part I]

Post by Wandering Daisy »

I have marked my maps with fish in both upper and lower lakes. I really cannot remember where I got the data- it was a time ago. I possibly could have made a mistake; more the reason to visit the lake! It is on my "to-do" list. Years ago I did an early September loop from Roads End- Bubbs/Glen Pass/Rae Lks/Gardiner/ 60 Lks/Window Lake/ out via Castle Dome and Paradise Basin. I would love to go back and spend more time in Gardiner Lakes, maybe from Onion Valley. I was happy to hear one could get to Lake 3144 from 60 Lakes Basin. I fished some Gardiner Lakes but only caught smallish fish. Some bigger ones in Window Lake. Not sure I am gutsy enough to drop down King Col to the other beautiful lakes you visited to the west.
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Re: TR: Vidette/Gardiner Aug-Sept 2021 [Part I]

Post by stevet »

An awesome and challenging route. I enjoyed the "then and now" photos; returning to a place after 40 or 50 years brings forth so many wonderful memories, and now, each summer it is "do I return and see an old favorite one more time or go somewhere new?". And to the best I can, I try to squeeze in both.

Thanks for sharing this. It is clear I am not alone having treks from my youth etched deeply inside me, and God willing I'll still be doing challenging routes as I enter my 70's.
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Re: TR: Vidette/Gardiner Aug-Sept 2021 [Part I]

Post by Spicer'sVet »

I had to smile when I saw the picture of your campsite at the main Gardiner Basin lake, our group camped at that exact spot in 2019! And yes the stream and waterfall at the inlet to the lake was quite lovely. I really enjoyed Gardiner Basin, so remote. We did a loop from Kearsarge to Charlotte->Gardiner Basin->60 Lakes Basin->Glenn Pass->back over Kearsarge. That was a high snow year so water was flowing everywhere, but so were the mosquitos! We too were lucky in that we barely saw a single cloud during our 9-day trip. My only regret is that we didn't get to middle Gardiner Basin & lakes, that is supposed to be the sweet spot of the basin and very beautiful. Hopefully will get there someday...

I was curious about University Pass and your experience of it. Our group is thinking of heading to Upper Kern Basin this summer from Onion Valley trailhead. I'd like to do a semi-loop of it rather than doing an out and back from Kearsarge over Forester Pass twice. Was thinking of hitting Center Basin on the way out, then over University Pass down to Robinson Lake for the last night. Is that doable, or is it too steep on the west side to go up? I'd prefer to do University Pass at the end of our trip when our packs are lighter, but perhaps it's advisable to do it east-west due to steepness & scree. Any advice is welcome...
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Re: TR: Vidette/Gardiner Aug-Sept 2021 [Part I]

Post by bulaklakan »

SpicersVet - It's been a few years of course. But my recollection is that I was REALLY glad that we went east-to-west over University Pass. The east side is talus of various sizes and steepness, but is pretty stable (note that 2021 was a very dry year so there was no snow involved). Whereas the west side is mostly a long sandy chute that would be a challenge to ascend. Also in the middle of that west-side chute there's a large 'chock-stone'. This is where I dropped my pack down and then climbed down after it - climbing up over it would be another challenge.
I think that ascending the west side is certainly doable, but I'd recommend planning your loop so as to descend it instead.
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Re: TR: Vidette/Gardiner Aug-Sept 2021 [Part I]

Post by Harlen »

bulaklan said to SpicersVet:
It's been a few years of course. But my recollection is that I was REALLY glad that we went east-to-west over University Pass. The east side is talus of various sizes and steepness, but is pretty stable (note that 2021 was a very dry year so there was no snow involved). Whereas the west side is mostly a long sandy chute that would be a challenge to ascend. Also in the middle of that west-side chute there's a large 'chock-stone'. This is where I dropped my pack down and then climbed down after it - climbing up over it would be another challenge.
I think that ascending the west side is certainly doable, but I'd recommend planning your loop so as to descend it instead.
I have a funny, and perhaps pertinent story:

I went on a long trip out of Onion Valley with a fine young rock climber, who was not initiated in BC travel. He loved the climbs, and bouldered around camp till his finger tips were bleeding, but on both University Pass and Harrison Saddle he was slipping and sliding, and cursing all the way up. That was north to south on Harrison, and west to east on Uni. Pass. I recall becoming a little annoyed at one point, and saying to him: "Hey Felix, pipe down- you're cussing in my church." My point is, I was pretty fine on these routes, but if you're unused to it, and moving too fast, trying to get it over with quickly, you might find both these passes maddening. After reading bulaklan's great TR at least twice, I am reluctant to question his opinion on University Pass. I may be miss-remembering these passes, and in the folly of my youth, may be sandbagging it. If so, it's not intentional.

I'll just say that west to east on Uni. Pass is a route to take your time on, but it is a nice, direct route to and from the amazing Center Basin; and well worth the effort.
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