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Media Exploitation on Half Dome

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:26 am
by rightstar76
There's another article on Half Dome in the San Francisco Chronicle today
called "Danger on the Dome,
Overcrowding: Hikers swarming Yosemite's Half Dome create a bottleneck
at the treacherously steep granite climb to the summit"

There's even a map of the trail that reads "Harrowing Climb".

You would think scores of people are dying everyday on this trail. In my opinion, it's media exploitation. I also think lots of people who've never hiked a day in their lives are going to want to hike the trail because of this article. They're going to think that because it's so dangerous they have to try it.

How desperate was the paper that they had to write this story? What do other people think about this? ... QSQ1V1.DTL

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 10:07 am
by copeg
In my opinion the press many times has a tendency to blow things way out of proportion, so this doesn't surprise me in the least. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it exploitation or desperation, but fear does sell - it has been used for years since the days of yellow journalism...