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Mountain Lions Feeding on Deer in SEKI Video

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 1:46 pm
by maverick
SEKI Facebook:
This is a video of mountain lions feeding on a deer kill in Sequoia National Park. The rangers received a report of a dead deer and the wildlife biologist set up this camera to see if the mountain lions came back. They did! This is a great habitat for mountain lions as there is a large mule deer population in this region, which is their primary food source in the parks. They are elusive by nature and are rarely seen, but evidence of them can be found in most regions of Sequoia & Kings Canyon.
Link may be broken, you may need to use a direct link, but worth it.

Re: Mountain Lions Feeding on Deer in SEKI Video

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 2:54 pm
by rlown
Well.. That is what they eat. Better deer than people, maybe. I've watched 3 vids since you posted this but not the one posted. I didn't feel it would be appropriate to post some of them. Most were kills.