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Understanding the Earth

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:59 am
by BSquared
Just ran across this quote from F. Sherwood Rowland, one of the winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995 for discovering how human activities caused the "hole" in the ozone layer:

"The world is a very complex system, the amount of information we have about it grows exceedingly rapidly, keeping up requires great effort. But I know of no easy way: you just have to do it. Meanwhile, the combination of some but not enough intelligence, plus considerable amounts of both ignorance and arrogance, can easily lead to being badly wrong in full voice and, worse yet, with a considerable following."

Doesn't have a lot to do with the Sierra Nevada, I'm afraid, but it really struck me, especially the part about being "badly wrong in full voice and, worse yet, with a considerable following." Hope others like it as well..
