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Re: TR- TM to the valley

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:16 pm
by ManOfTooManySports
If I'm not over-organized, I'm not organized at all. Checklist down to the number of small items. Else I forget everything. And a to-do list for the day of departure.

#45 Put backpack in car
#46 Put dog out with water
#47 Lock house door
#48 Go back in house to get that thing you forgot anyway

Re: TR- TM to the valley

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:44 am
by sparky
I usually have a checklist, but....well it is a long story.

My California medication probably added to the forgetfulness ;)

My sunglasses are sitting on a log somewhere along Lewis Creek too. And here I am arguing about leaving coffee grounds!

Vans are AWESOME for smearing, talus hopping not so much. House and car sized boulders I would say a hell yes, but pumpkin sized talus....ouch.

Re: TR- TM to the valley

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:46 am
by Saltydog
A PCT hiker was sleeping with his food in his pack in his tent? In Yosemite? One day out of TM?

I believe everything except the part about his being a PCT hiker.